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"As someone who loves music, I really enjoy living in a city with such vibrant music scene"

Markéta comes from Czech Republic and studies master's programme Mathematics.

What made you choose KTH and Stockholm?
I chose KTH because of the programme and research activity in Theoretical Computer Science.

For me, Stockholm had the appeal of a beautiful historic city with a modern, Scandinavian lifestyle. Even though I have never visited Sweden or Stockholm before moving here, I have heard great things from my friends, which made the decision even easier.

What is unique about your programme?
The programme caught my eye as unique among other master’s in Mathematics, especially given that it runs across two universities. Thanks to that, it offers great flexibility as well as a wide selection of courses. Together with the fact that it’s a two-year programme, you have enough time to explore different areas of Mathematics and decide on your specialisation. No matter what your interest in Mathematics is, you can probably focus on it at one of the universities.

What do you like most about KTH?
For me, one of the most outstanding things about KTH was the organisation of the welcome events. Running for more than a month, there were countless activities to join and opportunities to meet new people. If you are at all worried about moving to a new country and not knowing anyone, KTH will make you feel more than welcome.

Following from that, student life at KTH is built on numerous traditions. Not only is it fun to learn about these, but it’s also great to take part in them.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?
Stockholm is a beautiful city with plenty of sights as well as nature to explore. As someone who loves music, I also really enjoy living in a city with such vibrant music scene. I haven’t had much time to explore Sweden outside of Stockholm, but there are countless exciting destinations on my list.

What do you like most about being here?
Aside from my course, one of my favourite things about Stockholm is the fact that so much of it is waterfront. You are always close to the sea or a lake.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?
I arrived in Stockholm a week before the welcome activities officially started and decided to have a look around KTH on my own. It turned out to be a day of activities for new undergraduate students, and people were running all around campus dressed as characters from Star Wars. Seeing Storm Troopers march across the campus of a university you see for the first time is something I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?
For me, the main academic difference is the fact that courses are mostly graded based on projects and exercises. I have enjoyed the more practical approach, as opposed to most of your grades being based on exams. It also gives you an opportunity to collaborate with other students and get to know your classmates better. I have found the professors as approachable and friendly, as in Scotland.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master’s studies?
I think that KTH is an amazing choice for almost any student, given the friendly atmosphere and flexible nature of the programmes. Especially if you are an international student worried about moving to a new country for your studies, KTH is one of the most welcoming universities. Finally, get in touch if you have any questions!