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Sana is 21 years old and comes from Iran. She is studying for a Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology at the KTH Kista campus. Before coming to Sweden, she graduated from a mathematics and physics school in Iran. In her free time, she loves swimming and hiking.

Ask Sana a question

Why did you choose this programme at KTH?

My journey to study abroad started in middle school when I realized what I was really interested in. I began looking into bachelor's programmes in Europe taught in English, which wasn't easy since such programs are uncommon.  

While the country itself was a factor, of course, what was more important to me was the university's ranking. I wanted to ensure this big step I would take would be worth it and provide me with opportunities. Equally important to me was how much the university cares about its students, student life, and overall experience. Moving abroad is a big step, especially for someone young without any experience, so I wanted a supportive environment with a clear and manageable educational system and a balanced approach that wouldn't be too stressful or overwhelming.  

When my brother moved to Sweden during my final school years, I came across KTH. As I learned that KTH had a bachelor's programme in English that matched my interests, I started looking into the university and the courses offered by the programme. KTH's connections with top companies and its impressive graduate network were also key factors. Their focus is on careers and how they help students and graduates in finding job opportunities.  

Moreover, the location and campus environment were bonuses. Stockholm, known for its innovation and high quality of life, made the university even more attractive. With my brother's guidance and after considering everything, I knew KTH was the right choice for me. It had everything I was looking for.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

It covers many topics and is not limited to just one area. The balance between theory and hands-on projects is something that I really enjoy. We don't just learn concepts in a classroom; we actually apply them. Projects make the learning process both more effective and enjoyable. The programme's flexibility and the career options it opens up after graduation. Whether in industry or further studies, the skills and knowledge you gain provide a strong foundation. Plus, there's a big focus on collaboration, with many group projects that help you develop teamwork and communication skills- both essential for any career path.

What are some of your favorite courses so far?

So far, I’ve really enjoyed two of my courses: Digital Design and Algorithm and Data Structure. Both courses involve hands-on projects, making them not only fun but also super helpful for learning.  

In digital design, we built various boards and spent much time in the computer lab, which was a great way to apply what we were learning. Meanwhile, in Algorithm and Data structure, we're writing reports on our programming projects, and it’s been a fantastic way to understand everything and learn how to write reports.

How is student life in Stockholm?

From the warm welcome I received during receptions to the weekly student events and end-of-semester events, there's always something happening on the main campus, the other campuses, or in the city. 

 Before arriving, I was nervous about settling in. But once I got here, all those worries disappeared. There are plenty of activities to get involved in, from group outings to sports. Stockholm itself is a fantastic city for student life, offering cultural events, museums, beautiful parks, forests, and lakes to explore. There's never a dull moment, whether you're enjoying a cosy fika at a local café or attending lively festivals. Overall, being a student in Stockholm is truly an enriching experience.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH?

Trust your feelings and go for it! Beginning your university life at KTH in Stockholm is an experience you'll never regret. It offers a fantastic mix of personal and academic growth and plenty of opportunities. Also, don’t worry if you don't know Swedish—almost everyone speaks English here. As an international student who's been in your shoes, I can say I've never looked back. There will be challenges, but I’ve never said it’s easy. The supportive environment and friendly community make it easier to adjust. You'll get by and find your way.