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Student organisations within environment, climate and sustainable development

In all organisations, it is possible to influence operations in a more sustainable direction. As a student you can, for example, influence how your section or association uses or avoids consumables, what food you eat and how you travel. At KTH, student groups try to change the entire university and parts of the outside world.

THS Sustainability

THS focus group for sustainability leads the THS Sustainability Council together with KTH Students for Sustainability. The council brings together associations and projects within THS that work with sustainable development. THS Sustainability has also developed THS's environmental and climate policy and is leading the implementation of this at chapter and association levels.

Current projects: THS Sustainability Council, THS Sustainability management system, chapter sustainablity policy development


KTH Students for Sustainability

KTH Students for Sustainability (SforS) aims to promote student engagement and facilitate collaborations within sustainable development initiatives at KTH. The association collaborates with Climate Students KTH and is an umbrella organisation for several independent project groups. Several projects are in collaboration with the KTH Sustainability Office and KTH Innovation.

Current projects: Food Project, Sharing Project, Waste Project, Air Quality Project, Loop-it project


KTH Students for Sustainability website

Klimatstudenterna KTH

Klimatstudenterna (Climate Students) is a growing student movement that works to help our higher education institutions quickly adopt the changes needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030. #PractiseWhatYouTeach

Current projects: Green Talks/Green walks, Ask for Action, Climate Strikes


Engineers without borders KTH

Engineers Without Borders KTH is working with challenges linked to The Sustainable Development Goals, in Sweden and worldwide. 

The local group at KTH consists of engaged volunteers in bachelor's, master's and PhD-level studies as well as professional engineers from the whole world that want to contribute towards a better tomorrow.

Current projects: International, Engineer 2 Engineer, Inspire, The Reflective Engineer


Student projects and groups related to sustainability