On this page you will find information for non-programme students admitted to freestanding courses given on campus or online. Here you can find everything you need to get started with your course.
When you are admitted to a freestanding course, information about the course's content, schedule, literature, contact information and other necessary information will be available on the course page on KTH's course platform Canvas. You will have access to the course page on Canvas two weeks before the course starts. Before that, you need to confirm your spot by getting a KTH account and registering for your course.
If you are admitted in selection 1, or the first admissions round, for the autumn or spring semester, you also need to accept your spot on universityadmissions.se.
1. Activate your KTH account
To access your course and to be able to register for the course, you need a KTH account. You can get your account from two weeks before your course starts, make sure to get it in time before your course starts. You can activate your account with a Swedish Mobile BankID, which can be done remotely, or by visiting KTH's campus. Please note that you can only activate your account remotely if you have a Swedish Mobile BankID.
Depending on the course you are studying, you may also need an access card to KTH's premises. You can receive your access card at KTH Entré at Drottning Kristina's väg 4 or at one of KTH's campuses in Flemingsberg, Södertälje or Kista.
Once you have activated your KTH account, you must register for the course or you will lose your spot. It's also necessary for you to be able to access your course's page on Canvas. You register for the course via the service Ladok. Please note that courses appear in Ladok after selection 2 if you have applied for a course for the spring or autumn semester.
In Ladok you can see which dates the registration is open for your course. Freestanding courses are open for registration from two weeks before the start of the course until the Wednesday before the course starts. For example, if your course starts on Tuesday 17 January, the course registration is open from Tuesday 3 January to Wednesday 11 January.
In some cases, the registration may have closed when you need to register for a course. Here you can apply to be registered if the course registration is closed.
Now you are ready to start your course. Information about course content, schedule and other important information can be found on KTH's course platform Canvas. You will have access to the course page on Canvas two weeks before the course starts. The easiest way to access the course is via the personal menu at the top of kth.se. When you log in, you will also have access to services such as schedule and exam registration.
If you have started a freestanding course and need study or career guidance, please get in touch with info@kth.se. In the email, please write that you are studying a freestanding course, want study or career guidance, and which course or courses you are taking.
Compensatory support for students with disabilities
If you have a documented permanent disability, you can receive compensatory support during your studies at KTH. The group that coordinates the support is called Funka.
In the library you can find literature and other sources of information you need during your course. The staff is specialized in guiding you to the right sources. You can make an appointment for personal counselling or attend workshops and seminars.
As a student, you are welcome to the Student Health Services for conversations and various group activities to promote your health and studies. You can get in touch with a company nurse, counsellor or psychologist.
Students not located in Sweden may have problems attending a course at KTH
You cannot be granted a residence permit in Sweden based on a freestanding course at KTH.
To start a course, you need a KTH Account which can be activated with Mobile BankID or by visiting KTH’s campus. If you do not have Mobile BankID or are not able to visit campus, you cannot start a course.
Please also note that our freestanding courses have an administrative turnaround time that may make it difficult for fee-paying students to pay the tuition fee and start a course in time. If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen or hold a residence permit in Sweden for something other than studies you generally do not have to pay tuition fees.
E-mail us at info@kth.se if you have any questions about paying fees or applying to a freestanding course.
Do you have any questions?
If you have any general questions regarding KTH or our systems, don't hesitate to contact us at info@kth.se.
If you have specific questions about your course, please contact the examiner or course coordinator. You can find contact information for any course by searching for the course in the Course and programme directory.
Frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ)
If you see the status reserve next to a course on your admittance notification from University Admissions, it means that you have been placed on a waiting/reserve list.
If you have been placed in reserve for a freestanding course after the first admission round and want to keep your spot on the waiting list, you must accept your spot on universityadmissions.se. Then wait for the second admission notice to find out whether you have been admitted or remain on the waiting list.
If you are placed on the waiting list for a freestanding course after the second admission round and a spot becomes available for you, you will be contacted directly by us at KTH.
You can buy course literature on the internet or in a store. Keep in mind that a lot of course literature can be purchased second-hand from, among others, THS kårbokhandel (The student union’s book shop). If you want to borrow your course literature from a library, you can search for titles on the KTH Library's website. Many titles can also be found in, for example, Stockholm's library catalog.
KTH's offer of continuing professional development
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