How secure is OneDrive?
All communication to OneDrive is encrypted with SSL and all information stored at OneDrive is also encrypted.
Where are files stored in OneDrive?
The files stored in OneDrive, as well as all other Microsoft 365 services, are stored on servers within the EU. We cannot say exactly which country as the information may be stored in several different countries for redundancy. The countries used for storing information by OneDrive and Microsoft 365 are Austria, Finland, France, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Read more about where the information is stored (
Why can't I share links that are publicly available without need to login for more than 180 days?
For security reasons, we have placed a restriction on shared links that are publicly available without login. These may be distributed for a maximum of 180 days. After the 180 days have passed, the link must be distributed again.
We recommend that you share files and folders with specific people and not make them publicly available without login.
Why are the default settings in KTH Onedrive "Can view" instead of "Can edit" when I want to share files or folders?
For security reasons, the default setting is "Can view" and not "Can edit" when sharing information in KTH OneDrive. We want users to make an active decision about what access an employee or anonymous person should have to the shared information. We also want to prevent unauthorized persons from manipulating or deleting information stored in KTH OneDrive.
Will the OneDrive application automatically download all files to my computer after I sign in?
The default settings on the OneDrive application is that it only downloads files when you have opened the file.
The older version of the application supports automatic download, so make sure to always have the latest version of the OneDrive application installed so that the settings are correct.
Who is responsible for the files in KTH OneDrive?
As a user of KTH OneDrive, you are responsible for the information contained there.
Who can access my files?
The files on KTH OneDrive can be accessed by those you have distributed them to, as well as KTH's administrators of the service.
Are files in the recycle bin automatically deleted?
Yes, items in the Recycle Bin are automatically deleted after 93 days. This setting cannot be changed.
Does KTH backup KTH OneDrive?
KTH does not back up the files on KTH OneDrive, you as a user are responsible for the files in KTH OneDrive.
Can third-party add-ons or apps be connected to KTH OneDrive?
We do not allow third-party add-ons, as we must have an agreement with the supplier.