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Not assigned a license

Problem: I am not assigned a license.

Reason: In order to be assigned a license, you need to be connected to KTH's LAN, or Eduroam at KTH, or KTH's VPN. If you don't have a 130.237.x.x or a 130.229.x.x address, you won't receive a license. This applies both to installing the program and to being able to run the program when you are off campus.

Solution:  More information on how to connect to the VPN can be found here:

I cannot see the license.dat file (macOS)

Problem: In macOS, I cannot see the license.dat file when trying to locate it from within the COMSOL Installer. I can see the file when using my file browser.

Reason: Due to safety features in macOS, the license.dat file is most likely not visible to the COMSOL Installer when placed in the Documents, Downloads, Desktop, or any other "Library" folder.

Solution: Move your license.dat file outside of the aforementioned folders. For example, you can place it directly under your home folder (i.e. /Users/[username]).

Switch license server (students only)

Here are the instructions you need. [PDF file]

COMSOL Contact Information

NOTE! If you need help with download and/or installation, please contact