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Criticism, crime and threats against Swedish animal production, the Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF, 2019-2021

Farmers with animal production can experience different types of criticisms directed against their activities from consumers, the media and inspecting government agencies. On another level, threats, damage, tampering, robbery and other criminal acts are directed against the farm's activities, but also against the farmer, family members and employees.

This study main goal is to investigate the nature of the experiences of victimization materialized as threats, crimes and criticism against animal production in Sweden. This is achieved by assessing the consequences for individuals and farms, health, social and economic conditions. We focus on farmers not as ‘victims’ but rather as ‘active agents’, by illustrating ways that farmers handle, cope and respond to the criticisms and threats they are exposed in a daily basis. Interviews with farmers, focus groups as well as data coming from official statistics as well as media coverage will underlie the methodology of this study. KTH cooperates with researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences-Alnarp (the project leader).

Findings will lead to an action plan with concrete proposals on what measures are needed to create a better quality of life for animal producing farmers from a safety perspective. In particular are suggestions will be devoted to farmers themselves, agricultural organizations, authorities, politicians and not least, legislation. This study is funded by the Federation of Swedish Farmers – LRF.

Article a:

Article b:

Article c:

Article d:

Final report in Swedish lundqvist_p_et_al_220211.pdf (pdf 7.4 MB)

Fact sheet in Swedish FAKTA_BLADET_lundqvist_p_et_al_220210.pdf (pdf 996 kB)  

The project has resulted in one more articles, it´s under review - if you want to take part in these, let us know.