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Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City

Digitalisation of cities is a well-established concept; however, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need for optimising existing, Sustainable Smart City urban infrastructures to protect public well-being. The design of urban sanitation infrastructures constitutes a time-honoured architectural and engineering tradition while continuing to evolve in the contemporary era.

My research contemplates the sociospatial implications of digital transformations for improving public well-being within existing Sustainable Smart Cities. Ensuring secure and equitable access to essential public urban sanitation infrastructures and facilities is a core human right. This project draws on the transdisciplinary intersection of architecture with human-computer interaction (HCI) and the shift to human-building interaction (HBI) in querying the ethical implications of spatiotemporally immersive urban spaces. As society negotiates the long-term threat of disease transmission, digital technologies offer the opportunity for transforming human-nature, human-built, and ultimately, human-human relationships.

Participating universities: Digital Futures,

Funding: KTH Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellowship

Project period: 2021-2023

Weblink to an interview with Digital Futures:

Weblink to a recorded presentation at Digital Futures: