Water Resources Management and Decision Support Tools
The aim of this research is to analyse and characterize water-related problems, at the same time exploring and developing models and decision support tools for sustainable water management.
Selected publications
2018 | Dawson, L., Persson, K., Balfors, B., Mörtberg, U., Jarsjö, J., 2018. . Journal of Environmental Management 223: 731-742. | ||
2017 | Karlsson, C.S.J., Kalantari, Z., Mörtberg, U., Olofsson, B., Lyon, S.W., 2017. . Environmental Management 60: 823-851. | ||
2017 | Engström, E., Mörtberg, U., Karlström, A., and Mangold, M. 2017. . Hydrogeology Journal 25: 1077-1091. | ||
2015 | Engström, E. 2015. . TRITA-LWR PHD 2015:04, doctoral thesis in Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm. | ||
2015 | Engstöm, E., Balfors, B., Mörtberg, U., Thunvik, R., Gaily, T. & Mangold, M. 2015. . Science of the Total Environment 515-516: 181-187. | ||
2015 | Engström, E., Thunvik, R., Kulabako, R., Balfors, B., 2015. . Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 45: 1-100. | ||
2015 | Franzén, F. 2015. . TRITA-LWR PHD 2015:01, doctoral thesis in Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm. | ||
2015 | Franzén, F., Hammer, M. & Balfors, B. 2015. . Land Use Policy 43: 217-227. | ||
2015 | Tessema S.M., Setegn S.G. and Mörtberg U. 2015. . Chapter 30 in: Setegn, S.G. and Donoso, M.C. (eds.) Sustainability of Integrated Water Resources Management. Springer, Switzerland, pp 579-606. | ||
2014 | Jamali, I.A., Mörtberg, U., Olofsson, B. & Shafique, M. 2014. . Water Resources Management 28: 5157-5174. | ||
2014 | Kalantari, Z. 2014. Road structures under climate and land use change: Bridging the gap between science and application. TRITA-LWR PHD 2014:01, doctoral thesis in Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm. | ||
2014 |
Karlsson, C.S.J., Jamali, I.A., Earon, R., Olofsson, B. & Mörtberg, U. 2014. . Geoderma 226-227: 116-129. |
2014 |
Tessema, S.M., Lyon, S.W., Setegn, S.G., Mörtberg, U. 2014. . Water Resources Management 28: 3241-3254. |
2013 |
Coello-Balthasar, Z. & Balfors, B. 2013. Problems faced by a national water utility in an urban area, case study: Tegucigalpa, Honduras. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 8: 508-522, DOI: 10.2495/SDP-V8-N4-508-522. |
2013 | Engström, E., Thunvik, R., Kulabako, R. & Balfors, B. 2013. Water transport, retention and survival of Escherichia coli in unsaturated porous media: a comprehensive review of processes, models and factors. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology DOI: . |
2013 |
Jamali, I.A., Olofsson, B. & Mörtberg, U. 2013. . Environmental Earth Sciences 70: 2511-2525. |
2012 |
Bhattacharyaa, P., Sracek, O., Eldvall, B., Asklund, R., Barmen, G., Jacks, G., Koku, J., Gustafsson, J.-E., Singh, N., Brokking Balfors, B. 2012. Hydrogeochemical study on the contamination of water resources in a part of Tarkwa mining area, Western Ghana.J. Africam Earth Sciences 66-67, 72-84. |
2012 |
Bhattacharyaa, P., Sracek, O., Eldvall, B., Asklund, R., Barmen, G., Jacks, G., Koku, J., Gustafsson, J.-E., Singh, N., Brokking Balfors, B. 2012. Hydrogeochemical study on the contamination of water resources in a part of Tarkwa mining area, Western Ghana. J. African Earth Sciences 66-67: 72-84. |
2012 |
Quin, A. (2012): Information, systems and water management: Information systems which support water management - cases from rural water supply in Uganda and WFD implementation in the North Baltic River Basin District, Sweden. TRITA-LWR PHD 1067. Doctoral Thesis in Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm. |
2011 |
Coello-Balthasar, Z., Phumpiu, P., Balfors, B. & Gustafsson, J.-E. 2011. Assessment of causes leading to an insufficient water supply in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 145: 27-38. |
2011 |
Quin, A., Balfors, B., Kjéllén, M. 2011. How to walk the talk - The perspectives of sector staff on implementation of the rural water supply programme in Uganda. Natural Resources Forum 35: 269-282. |
2010 |
Hammer, M., Balfors, B., Mörtberg, U., Petersson, M. & Quin, A. 2011. Governance of water resources in the phase of change: . AMBIO 40: 210-220. |
2010 |
Westerberg, I., Walther, A., Guerrero, J.-L., Coello, Z., Halldin, S., Xu, C.-Y., Chen, D. & Lundin, L.-C. 2010. Precipitation data in a mountainous catchment in Honduras: quality assessment and spatiotemporal characteristics. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 101: 381-396, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-009-0222-x. |
2006 |
Furberg, D., Nilsson, S., Langaas, S. 2006. An indicator-based analysis of the river basin districts established under the EU Water Framework Directive. E-WAter 2006/18. |
2006 |
Furberg, D., Nilsson, S., Langaas, S. 2006. An indicator-based analysis of the river basin districts established under the EU Water Framework Directive. E-WAter, 2006/18. |
2006 |
Nilsson, S. 2006. Managing water according to river basins. Information management, institutional arrangements and strategic policy support - with focus on the EU Water Framework Directive. TRITA-LWR PHD 1030. Doctoral thesis in Land and Water Resources Sciences. KTH Architecture and the Built Environment, Stockholm. |
2006 |
Nilsson, S., Langaas, S. 2006. International river basin management under the EU Water Framework Directive: An assessment of cooperation and water quality in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Ambio 35: 304-311. |
2006 |
Nilsson, S., Langaas, S. 2006. International river basin management under the EU Wa ter Framework Directive: An assessment of cooperation and water quality in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. Ambio 35: 304-311. |
2005 |
Timmerman, J.G. & Langaas, S. 2005. Water information: what is it good for? The use of information in transboundary water management. Reg. Environ. Change 5: 177-187. |
2004 |
Bäckström, M., Karlsson, S., Bäckman, L., Folkeson, L. & Lind, B. 2004. Mobilisation of heavy metals by deicing salts in a roadside environment. Water Research 38: 720-732. |
2004 |
Gumbricht, T., McCarthy, J. & McCarthy, T.S. 2004. Channels wetlands and islands in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, and their relation to hydrological and sedimentological processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29: 15-29. |
2004 |
Nilsson, S., Langaas, S. & Hannerz, F. 2004. International River Basin Districts under the EU Water Framework Directive: Identification and Planned Cooperation. European Water Management Online 2004/02. |
2003 |
Andersson, L., Gumbricht, T., Hughes, D., Kniverton, D., Ringrose, S., Savenije, H., Todd, M., Wilk, J. & Wolski, P. 2003. Water flow dynamics in the Okavango River Basin and Delta - a prerequisite for the ecosystems of the Delta. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28: 1165-1172. |
2003 |
Langaas, S., Ahlenius, H., Hannerz, H. & Nilsson, S. 2003. Towards GIS- and Internet-based information systems for transboundary river basins. In: J. G. Timmerman and S. Langaas (eds.), Environmental Information in European Transboundary Water Management, pp. 135-152, IWA Publishing, London, UK. |
2003 |
McCarthy, J., Gumbricht, T., McCarthy, T.S, Frost, P.E. & Seidel, F. 2003. Flooding patterns of the Okavango wetland in Botswana between 1972 and 2000. Ambio 32: 453-457. |
2003 |
Nilsson, S. & Langaas, S. 2003. A comparative study of information management in three transboundary water regimes in Europe. In: J. G. Timmerman and S. Langaas (eds.), Environmental Information in European Transboundary Water Management, pp. 224-239, IWA Publishing, London, UK. |
2002 |
Gumbricht, T., McCarthy, T.S., McCarthy, J., Roy, D., Frost, P.E. & Wessels, K. 2002. Remote sensing for detection of sub surface peat fires and peat fire scars in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. South African Journal of Science 98: 351-358. |
2002 |
McCarthy, J. 2002. Remote sensing for detection of landscape form and function of the Okavango Delta Botswana. TRITA-LWR PHD 1000, Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. |