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BECCS with Combined Heat and Power – assessing the energy penalty

Bio Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is widely recognized as a vital technology for reaching the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Despite this, BECCS has yet failed to move beyond small scale demonstration units. One notable hurdle, deterring investments, is the energy penalty of operating BECCS with a power plant.

Project name: BECCS with Combined Heat and Power – assessing the energy penalty
Project leader: Kåre Gustafsson, SEED
Participating universities/companies/other organisations: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Exergi
Project period: 2018-2019
Financing: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Exergi

The aim of this study is to quantify the energy penalty of operating a carbon capture system with a combined heat and power plant (CHP). The hypothesis is that the penalty can be lowered, if part of the energy spent on capturing carbon dioxide is recovered as heat. This in comparison with adding the capture process to a plant that only produces electric power.

The energy penalty will be evaluated using thermodynamical analysis, coupled with simulations of the carbon capture system in Aspen Plus. Three post combustion absorption processes will compared; one amine system and two potassium carbonate configurations.


Kåre Gustafsson
Kåre Gustafsson Profile