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Solid Mechanics Laboratory

The Solid Mechanics Laboratory provides technical expertise and assistance in experimental research, and is part of the Odqvist Laboratory for Experimental Mechanics.

Some of the typical experiments that are conducted in the Solid Mechanics laboratory:

Fracture mechanics testing

CTOD, K, J, and da / dN determinations
• Precracking of specimens for fracture mechanics testing
• Manufacturing of specimens with fatigue cracks of known geometry

Quasi static testing

• Tensile tests for material data analysis (E, Rp0.2%, Rm, A5, Z)
• Compression testing
• Creep testing

Fatigue testing

• Contact fatigue
• Fatigue limit determinations
• Wöhler curves

The materials of interest include engineering materials such as metals, but also paper, biological materials and rubber. The Solid Mechanics laboratory also performs testing on small and large sized components.


The laboratory is equipped with nine servo-hydraulic testing machines and two servo-electric machines (one of them is a biaxial testing machine). The maximum force capacity of the machines ranges from 1 kN to 10 MN. The laboratory also holds equipment for hardness testing, two pendulum hammers and a rotating bar bend fatigue machine. One of the testing rooms in the laboratory is climate controlled.
