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Courses within the doctoral program in Applied and Computational Mathematics

Fall 2023


Course name

FSF3940 Probability

FSF3852 Optimal control theory


Boualem Djehiche

Johan Karlsson

FSF3561 The finite elemement method Jennifer Ryan
FSF3832 Mathematical system theory Xiaoming Hu
FSF3840 Numerical nonlinear programming

Anders Forsgren

Spring 2024 Course Teacher

FSF3582 Inverse problems

FSF3567 Numerical solution of differential equations

Joakim Andén, A. Szepessy, Ozan Öktem

Jennifer Ryan

FSF3812 Applied linear optimization

Jan Kronquist

FSF3581 Computational methods for stochastic differential equations

Mattias Sandberg/Anders Szepessy

FSF3822 Applied nonlinear optimization

Anders Forsgren
FSF3862 Nonlinear systems analysis and control

Xiaoming Hu

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Doctoral courses per school - KTH's courses at doctoral level - Please note that the link takes you to KTH's central pages