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The elections for the council members of the Student council

The elections for the members of the SCI PhD student council will be conducted through the month of November and December. 

Election timeline

  • Nomination period: 11th Nov – 25th Nov
  • Review of nominations and voting: 28th Nov – 2nd Dec
  • Presentation of results at Election Meeting: 2nd Dec

 Position Descriptions

The positions to be filled are:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-chairperson
  • Educational manager
  • Webmaster
  • Event manager
  • Program-responsible PhD student (PAD) – 1-2 PADs can be elected per program

The PAD is elected among the students within each program. Any PhD student within any program at the SCI school can apply for any of the remaining positions. However, it is seen as an advantage to have some Swedish proficiency for the positions of chair- and vice-chairperson. Many of the relevant meetings at the school level are held in Swedish, which makes knowledge of the language a useful skill for the two chairing positions.

A brief description of the responsibilities of the respective positions is found below (translated from the newly revised Rutin för studentinflytande – Routine on student influence).

Positions at school level



Representational duties

Remaining duties

Chair of PhD council

Heads the activities of the PhD council and is the primarily responsible for organising student influence within the doctoral programs at the school. Responsible for communication with THS through the PhD chapter.

  • FA-PA meetings, SCI
  • Quality dialogue, SCI
  • Recruiting , docent  and promotion  errands, SCI
  • Chapter meetings at the PhD chapter (central THS)
  • Calls for and chairs the monthly PhD council meetings
  • Participates in nomination tasks
  • Prepares for FA-DR meetings

Vice-chair of PhD council

Supports the chair in the duties described above, and acts as a substitute for the chair when needed.

  • Participates in monthly PhD council meetings
  • Participates in nomination tasks
  • Participates in FA-DR meetings

Educational manager of PhD council

Responsible for identifying the areas where there is room for improvement for different education related activities such as improving the course catalogue, course memos, and communicating grievances faced by PhD students with regards to educational activities 

  • Participates in monthly PhD council meetings
  • Participates in FA-DR meetings

PhD council webmaster

Responsible for the PhD council webpage, e-mail lists, creating communication material for activities and spreading information, etc., and other administrative tasks.

  • Participates in monthly PhD council meetings
  • Participates in FA-DR meetings

PhD council event manager

Responsible for organising activities for the PhD-students at the school, within professional development, education, and purely socialising events. Also responsible for the nomination tasks.

  • Participates in monthly PhD council meetings
  • Responsible for nomination tasks
  • Participates in FA-DR meetings

Positions at department level



Representational duties

Remaining duties

PhD student representative (PAD)

(1-2 per doctoral program)

Represent the students at the doctoral program. Advisory contact for the PhD-students, answers questions regarding everything from education, courses, and administration to more sensitive matters, for example issues with the advisor. When needed the PAD forwards questions to the PA. The PAD also acts as a representative in the continuous quality assurance within the program council, where PA is responsible.

  • Participates in monthly PhD council meetings
  • Participates in FA-DR meetings
  • Organises activities within the own doctoral program with support from the PhD council event manager.

Time compensation

As of 2022, the positions within the SCI PhD Student Council are time compensated, meaning that the people elected are eligible for extensions of their contracts and/or reduction of departmental duties (how to implement this is decided with the primary supervisor and closest manager). The extent of the positions is to be compensated according to the following (when 2 people share one position, the extent is shared 50/50):


Extent (of full-time)

Calculation of extent

Compensated by



Approx. ~6h per week

School level (SCI)



Approx. ~3h per week

Educational manager


Approx.~2h per week



Approx. ~1h per week

Event manager


Approx. ~3h per week

PAD, Vehicle and Maritime Engineering


2.5% (base rate)

+ PA%*0.5 (program specific)

+ 1% (recruitment/

nomination tasks)

PAD, Solid Mechanics


PAD, Engineering Mechanics


PAD, Mathematics


PAD, Applied and Computational Mathematics


PAD, Physics


PAD, Applied Physics



The candidates for the council positions are presented below, with name (department/doctoral program) and a short motivation as to why they are running for the position. The Nomination Committee has reviewed the nominations and proposed a composition for the 2023 council, which is indicated by endorsement of candidates. The endorsement is only a proposal made to the candidates (who could accept a nomination or pursue a different position) and the student body, as the deciding factor is what candidate gets the most votes for each position. If a person is elected for several positions, they will carry the combined workload. Several programs have two people endorsed for the position of PAD, which means the workload is aimed to be shared 50/50.


Mattias Åstrand (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I strongly believe that the student council is one of the main entities through which we, as PhD students, can influence our studying and working environment. It would be my priority to make sure that the council is healthy and covering all representational tasks it is supposed to. With my previous experience as chair I would be able to guide my colleagues and help them achieve goals efficiently. As with the 2022 council, I intend to continue promoting our rights and organising meaningful activities: more sustainability and equality; accessibility of documents and meetings for non Swedish students; providing solutions to everyday problems; more socialization, both locally at SCI and via the PhD chapter, organizing pubs and outdoor activities more frequently; creating a sense of PhD community, helping all students fight the uprootedness that may haunt us at some point in our studies."

Vice chair

For the Vice chair position, the Nomination Committee has decided to endorse two candidates, which will split the workload of the position as well as carrying additional positions within the council.

Vladilena Gaisina (Engineering Mechanics/Solid Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I wish to continue my involvement on the board of the student council. I'm happy with any combination of positions above and amount of time compensation (4-10%). I would continue efforts to understand the challenges and desires of PhD students at SCI both through questionnaires and direct dialogue, and advocating for them within different venues at the school and university level. I've been particularly active with JML initiatives, and establishing effective routines for the council, as well in communicating with the FA on relevant issues. I would also continue working with the Webmaster and Chair to improve communication about council's activities and future events."

Charlie Börjeson (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"The combination of PAD and vice-chair has given me unique insight into both department-level and school-level issues during 2022, and I would like to work on these in 2023. Specifically, on the department-level I want to focus on creating a better social network for PhD students by: ensuring good introduction for new students, organising social activities and workshops, and focus on better intradepartmental activities for SciLife students. I also want to advocate for better accessibility to KTH information on the intranet: currently, some information is only available in Swedish. On the school-level I want to work on a safer and more equal KTH, as well as a more sustainable KTH. I want to continue pushing for making it easier to book trains and for making it easier to report harassment or victimisation. I also want to advocate for better follow-ups in case of harassment."

Educational Manager

Vladilena Gaisina (Engineering Mechanics/Solid Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

See description under Vice chair.


Sai Kausik Abburu (Engineering Mechanics/Vehicle and Maritime Engineering) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have been a part of the council for the past 2 years and would like to continue to contribute to my role in the council and bring forward the issues/grievances faced by the PhD students and help them find a solution."

Event manager

Jana Vasiljevic (Physics/Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have been in the council for the last 2 years. Primarily I would like to continue with the Event manager position. My biggest motivation to continue is to be part of the Board and contribute in solving and improving PhD issues at SCI school. I am involved in Q-SCI network and JML activities, which gave me more insights in position of the female PhDs at our school. There is a lot of work to be done in the future in this field. Also, I am happy to organize more different events for students. For PAD position I applied in case that other PAD needs help to share the duties."

PAD for Applied and Computational Mathematics

Emanuel Ström (Mathematics/Applied and Computational Mathematics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"Continuing work from my previous year as PAD."

PAD for Applied Physics

Cherrie Lee (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I would like to see phd students more connected with other phd students from different group, by organising social events and also seminars to encourage phd students from different groups/departments to discuss and learn about topics that are not covered in their academic studies. I would also like to help out phd students who are facing difficulties especially with their supervisor or work environment. During my time as a PAD, I have encountered phd students who had issues with their supervisors and how KTH manages the process. Hopefully with this experience, I can provide guidance to phd students facing similar situation."

PAD for Engineering Mechanics

Rohan Ajit Kulkarni (Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have been an active member of council as a PAD for last two years and seeing how satisfying and rewarding it is to participate in welfare of the council and PhD program, I really would love to continue working on a same post for the next year."

Saeed Davoodi – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I was an active student council member when I was a high school student and also PAD of engineering mechanics program for 2022. I would like to continue working as PAD and take my experiences into practice by helping other PhDs to have a smooth career during their times at KTH."

PAD for Mathematics

Nedialko Brandinoff – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I wish to be able to represent Phd students in my department on issues concerning the choice of courses offered, the quality of these courses, quality of supervision, and of overall to be able to communicate students' concerns to the department body, and help address them. I will also try and organise team building activities and hope to organise a Phd day in which Phd students will have the chance to present something related to their research to their peers."

PAD for Physics

Elina Charatsidou – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I am currently one of the two PADs for Physics, and I would like to continue with this position."

Daniel Qvarngård – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I've been working as a PAD since last spring, mainly focusing on working with the management group and developing the renewal of the Physics study plan. I'd like to finish what I've started, as well as ensure that the new courses in progress maintain quality and usefulness for the PhD students in the program."

PAD for Solid Mechanics

The PAD for the Solid Mechanics program has already been elected locally.

PAD for Vehicle and Maritime Engineering

Sai Kausik Abburu – endorsed by Nomination Committee

See description under Webmaster.

Position Descriptions

The positions to be filled are:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-chairperson
  • Educational Manager
  • Webmaster
  • Event manager
  • Program-responsible PhD student (PAD) – 1-2 PADs can be elected per program

The PAD is elected among the students within each program. Any PhD student within any program at the SCI school can apply for any of the remaining positions. However, it is seen as an advantage to have some Swedish proficiency for the positions of chair- and vice-chairperson. Many of the relevant meetings at the school level are held in Swedish, which makes knowledge of the language a useful skill for the two chairing positions.

A brief description of the responsibilities of the respective positions is found below (translated from the newly revised Rutin för studentinflytande – Routine on student influence).

Nomination Committee

The committee organising the election for the 2022 SCI PhD Student Council consists of the following persons (Name and Department/Programme):

  • Jana Vasiljevic (Physics/Physics)
  • Rohan Ajit Kulkarni (Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics)
  • Sai Kausik Abburu (Engineering Mechanics/Vehicle and Maritime Engineering)


If you have questions about the SCI PhD Student Council or the elections, you are welcome to contact the current chairperson at: .