As when arriving to Sweden, there are a number of things you need to remember when leaving – these are just the main ones related to working with us.
Leaving Sweden
Remember to contact the tax agency
If you leave Sweden in order to live abroad for at least one year, then you are to notify the Tax Agency at least one week before departure. You can do it by bank ID, or send in a form:
Be sure to contact your gym, phone company, internet company, etc, well before your departure. Many of these companies require three months' notice in order to cancel service, without extra fees.
Your bank
Close your bank account after leaving, so that there are no problems for KTH when we pay out the last salary. You may want to speak to your bank before leaving, in order to prepare how you will close your bank account once you are not in Sweden anymore.
Your accounts and invoices
Make sure you settle your accounts and shut down your mobile phone account, internet, electric account, etc. when leaving. If you don't pay your last invoices, you run the risk of the debts getting sent to a collection agency, which can be very expensive, and it can even have consequences if you are not living in Sweden anymore.
Försäkringskassan-Social Insurance Agency
Be sure you notify Försäkringskassan, especially if you are receiving child or housing benefits.
If you have been employed in Sweden and have earned a pension, no matter how small, make sure you contact the Swedish Pension Agency when you turn 65 or retire.
Plan early for your career, growth and skills development. Set clear goals and invest in your growth with courses, mentorship programs and career support.