Previous events at KTH
KTH organises a large number of different events every year. Here is a summary of some of KTH's popular science events.
TEDxKTH is a recurring highlight at KTH, where new exciting themes and dynamic speakers take center stage on each occasion.
The Tale of the Great Computing Machine
The innovative opera "The Tale of the Great Computing Machine" is an observation about our relationship with nature and technology. The opera is based on the book with the same title, written by tthe KTH Professor and Nobel Prize laureate Hannes Alfvén. The opera was performed in the Reaktorhallen in December 2022.
Teklafestivalen was a full day filled with technology for girls and non-binary people aged 11-15. The aim was to arouse a greater interest in natural science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Teklafestivalen was organized by KTH 2015-2022.