Christian Gasser
Professor of Biomechanics
Biomechanics involves the study of mechanical problems in biological systems. Christian Gasser's research mainly concerns improving mechanical concepts and numerical methods in order to investigate realistic biotechnical and clinical problems. An important part of the work is converting fundamental science into methods that have clinical applications.
For example, new analytical tools are being developed in order to study the biomechanical and clinical consequences of the major cardiovascular diseases. This is not simply the key to designing specialised treatment strategies for patients, but it is also important for investigating the causes and consequences of these diseases. Cardiovascular diseases is the primary cause of death in many Western societies and the development of good-value treatment strategies is a major challenge.
The research is conducted in collaboration with leading technical and clinical departments around the world. Diagnostics software based on biomechanics is currently being integrated into the clinical work, which underlines the importance of this research. Some of the research group's proposed biological tissue models have already been implemented in important commercial software and is used in the research and development of various areas of biotechnology.