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Turbulent jamboree in the KTH wind tunnel

Published May 22, 2008

A research jamboree kicks off today (Friday) at the KTH Linné FLOW Centre. Researchers in fluid mechanics from several universities around the world are coming to KTH to carry out advanced turbulence measurements in KTH’s MTL wind tunnel. One of the aims of this meeting is to determine whether they all arrive at the same results when making the same measurements at the same site. This is the first time that fluid mechanical engineers have carried out such a large-scale joint measurement campaign.

Researchers from Princeton University, Caltech, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in the USA, the University of Melbourne in Australia, Nagoya University and Shinshu University in Japan, plus Bologna University in Italy will be implementing the Jamboree together with researchers from KTH over five hectic weeks up to midsummer. They will use different measuring instruments, measuring strategies and evaluation methods in order to compare various liquid mechanical phenomena and to examine how well independent methods and experimenters can reproduce a certain fluid mechanics case.

The equivalent measurements will be made in Melbourne in August and at IIT in Chicago in November. Then it will also be possible to compare how well the different wind tunnels can reproduce the same fluid mechanics case.

This is the first time this group of researchers has carried out such an extensive, joint measuring campaign, a process which is common within other areas of physics such as particle physics.

For more information, please contact: Professor Henrik Alfredsson, + 46 (0)87907582, or Associate Professor Jens Fransson, + 46 (0)87906193,

Read more about a related project on the Italian CICLoPE website:

Håkan Soold

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: May 22, 2008