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  • International assessment of KTH´s research

    Published Jun 23, 2008

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the first Swedish technical university to undertake an International Research Assessment. This week, June 23–27, twelve international expert panels will attend the...

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  • Nano paper stronger than cast iron

    Published Jun 18, 2008

    Paper grocery bags that don´t tear? That may not be too far off thanks to the new nano paper, developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and STFI-Packforsk (A Swedish R&D company in the fields of ...

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  • KTH Professor involved in development of eco-city in China

    Published Jun 05, 2008

    Ulf Ranhagen, Chief Architect at Sweco and Professor at KTH, is the Project Manager for activities involving a new city, designed with ecology in mind, that is to be developed in the Tangshan Region a...

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  • International energy prize to KTH Professor

    Published May 30, 2008

    Professor emeritus Eric Granryd, Department of Energy Technology at KTH, has been awarded the Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award. Professor Granryd accepted the medal at a ceremo...

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  • Turbulent jamboree in the KTH wind tunnel

    Published May 22, 2008

    A research jamboree kicks off today (Friday) at the KTH Linné FLOW Centre. Researchers in fluid mechanics from several universities around the world are coming to KTH to carry out advanced turbulence ...

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  • Peter Gudmundson to lead the Cluster Network

    Published May 16, 2008

    KTH President Peter Gudmundson has taken over the Chair of the European Cluster Network for the next two years. Cluster is a group of twelve technical and natural science universities.

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  • Mathematics optimises cancer treatment

    Published Apr 25, 2008

    Mathematical optimisation can improve radiation treatment for cancer. In an industrial doctoral project at RaySearch Laboratories AB and KTH, Fredrik Carlsson has refined a method of optimising radiat...

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  • Medical engineering – new course of study for the future

    Published Apr 11, 2008

    A society with an increasing number of older people and consequently more people who are ill and/or disabled makes new demands on health and medical care. This means that medical engineering one of th...

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  • Super-slippery surfaces developed

    Published Apr 02, 2008

    How to decrease friction between surfaces? Researchers at KTH, Stockholm University and the Institute for Surface Chemistry (YKI) have been able to reduce friction and produce super slippery surfaces ...

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  • New protein prevents pre-stage to Alzheimer’s plaque

    Published Mar 31, 2008

    There is currently no cure or efficient treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Swedish researchers have, however, discovered potential treatments that may attack the actual cause of the disease. Results h...

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  • Korean KAIST to visit KTH

    Published Mar 27, 2008

    A delegation from KAIST, Korea’s technical university, will be visiting KTH on Monday 31st March. This visit is part of a European tour which includes Cambridge University and Imperial College, London...

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  • KTH sets a world record in measurement

    Published Mar 25, 2008

    KTH’s efforts have led to a record improvement in optical profile gauge performance. This measuring instrument is of great value, primarily to the MEMS industry (microelectromechanical systems). Lars ...

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  • One in five KTH students from abroad

    Published Mar 07, 2008

    The number of overseas students at Swedish universities and university colleges continues to rise. Blekinge Institute of Technology has the highest percentage with 19.7%, closely followed by KTH with ...

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  • Electrum shares multi-million grant

    Published Mar 04, 2008

    The Swedish network for nano and micro fabrication, MyFab, has been awarded a grant of MSEK 75 by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. This network includes the Electrum Laboratory at KTH.

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  • Swedish-Indian cooperation for sustainable development

    Published Feb 29, 2008

    INSTEC, a Swedish-Indian network for cooperation within research and education in engineering and technology will be organising workshops at various locations in India during the spring. The aim is to...

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  • KTH website is tenth best in Europe

    Published Feb 25, 2008

    KTH came tenth in Europe in a ranking of how the world’s prominent universities present themselves on the Internet. On the world list, KTH lies at an honourable 72nd place.

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  • KTH’s Chair to help build EIT

    Published Feb 21, 2008

    Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, Chair of the KTH Board, is one of four members of the European committee that will nominate candidates for the governing body of the research network EIT.

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  • KTH Professor to become Director General on Iceland

    Published Feb 19, 2008

    Gudni Johannesson, Professor at the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at KTH, has been appointed as Director General of Iceland’s government agency for energy.

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  • Two new vice presidents at KTH

    Published Feb 18, 2008

    Eva Malmström Jonsson, Professor at the Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, will become KTH’s Vice President for Student Recruitment, and Gustav Amberg, Dean of the School of Engineering Scien...

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  • Strong support for new theory of earth's core

    Published Feb 08, 2008

    Researchers at Uppsala University and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm present in today's web edition of the journal Science evidence that their theory about the core of the earth ...

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