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NSCN - Nordic Sustainable Campus Network

Nordic Sustainable Campus Network was created in 2012 to strengthen the sustainability efforts already in action in the Nordic higher education institutes. Since 2014 NSCN is also part of the Nordic Association of University Administration (NUAS). The merger of NSCN and NUAS offers good opportunities for collaborating with the other sectors of university administration – including facilities, communications, IT and libraries, among many others.


The activities of NSCN are financially supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Universities' role in the society and their future attractiveness strongly encourages us to take sustainability into the next level. The activities of the network aim at:

  • strengthening sustainability in research and teaching
  • supporting universities' green campus activities by integrating sustainability in all operations

The network offers a platform for communication and activities to the member universities, and is open for all Nordic universities and higher education institutes.

Visit the NSCN website  for more information!
