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Papers and reports about the SDG:s

Below, a number of scientific articles are listed that relate to the UN SDG:s.

Abson, D. J., Fischer, J., Leventon, J., Newig, J., Schomerus, T., Vilsmaier, U., ... & Lang, D. J. (2017). Leverage points for sustainability transformation. Ambio, 46(1), 30-39.

Adshead, D., Thacker, S., Fuldauer, L.I., Hall, J.W. Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through long-term infrastructure planning, Glob. Environ. Chang. 59 (2019).

Anderson, K., Broderick, J.F. amd Stoddard, I.: A factor of two: how the mitigation plans of “climate progressive” nations fall short of Pari-compliant pathways. Climate Policy, 20, 1290-1304. (2020)

Castor, J., Bacha, K., Fuso Nerini, F. SDGs in action: A novel framework for assessing energy projects against the sustainable development goals. Energy Research & Social Science, 68, 101556. (2020)

European Commission (2018): A Clean Planet for all – A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy. COM (2018)

Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Patterson, J., Hultman, J., Van Mierlo, B., ... & Al Waer, H. (2018). Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research. Energy Research & Social Science, 40, 54-70.

Finveden G: Hur definierar vi hållbar ekonomisk utveckling? En introduktion till olika strategier för att nå hållbar ekonomisk utveckling. Agenda 2030-samordnaren. KTH, Stockholm. om-hallbar-ekonomisk-utveckling-goran-finnveden-kth.pdf (

Fuso Nerini, F., Sovacool, B., Hughes, N. et al. Connecting climate action with other Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustain 2, 674–680 (2019).

Fuso Nerini, F., Sovacool, B., Hughes, N., Cozzi, L., Cosgrave, E., Howells, M., Tavoni, M., Zerriffi, H., and Milligan, M. (2019): Connecting climate action with other Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability, 2, 674-680.

Fuso Nerini, F., Swain, A. & Swain, R. B. Sustainable Development in the Wake of Covid-19. Naure Communications (under review)

Fuso Nerini, F., Tomei, J., To, L.S. et al. Mapping synergies and trade-offs between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Energy 3, 10–15 (2018)

Laurent, A., Owsianiak, M., Dong, Y., Kravchenko, M., Molin, C. and Hauschild, M.Z. Assessing the sustainability implications of research projects against the 17 UN sustainable development goals. Procedia CIRP, 90, 148-153. (2020)

Ness, B., Urbel-Piirsalu, E., Anderberg, S., Olsson, L. Categorising tools for sustainability assessment, Ecol. Econ. 60 (2007) 498–508.

Nilsson, M., Chisholm, E., Griggs, D. et al. Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward. Sustain Sci 13, 1489–1503 (2018)

Nilsson, M., Griggs, D. and Visbeck, M. Policy: Map the interactions between Sustainable Development Goals. Nature, 534(7607). 320–22. (2016)

Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., Rogelj, J., Meinshausen, M., Nakicenovic, N., Schellnhuber, H.J. (2017): A roadmap for rapid decarbonization, Science, 355, 1269-1271.

Sachs, J. D. et al. Six Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Nat. Sustain. 2, 805–814 (2019).

Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockström, J., et al. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347, 1259855. (2015).[A4] 

Steffen, W., Rockström, J., Richardson, K. et al (2018): Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene, PNAS, 115, 8252-8259.

Susur, E. and Karakaya, E., A reflexive perspective for sustainability assumptions in transition studies, Environ. Innov. Soc. Transit. 39 (2021).

Thacker, S., Adshead, D., Fay, M., Hallegatte, S., Harvey, M., Meller, H., O’Regan, N., Rozenberg, J., Watkins, G., Hall, J.W. Infrastructure for sustainable development, Nat. Sustain. 2 (2019) 324–331.

Vinuesa, R., Azizpour, H., Leite, I. et al. The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Commun 11, 233 (2020).

Weitz, N., Carlsen, H., Nilsson, M. and Skånberg, K. (2018). Towards systemic and contextual priority setting for implementing the 2030 Agenda. Sustainability Science, 13(2). 531–48. (2018)