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Stories from the pre-incubator program

  • They help students stay motivated

    A meeting room. Mattias Bergström, a young man i a red shirt is holding a presentation pointing at a whiteboard. Five people are sitting around a table listening. One guy is leanign against the window sill.
    Meeting in the Studyguide team. Photo from Studyguide's Instagram account @studyguidese.
    Published May 29, 2020

    Hi Mattias Bergström! You're a student at KTH and have also co-founded Studyguide with the mission to help parents become great study coaches for their kids. Tell us about it!

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  • They help athletes secure sponsorship deals

    Wilhelm Kark, a young man, sails a laser, a type of sailboat. He leans backwards dressed in a wetsuit and cap. In the background you can see the ocean and several other sailboats.
    Published May 25, 2020

    Hi Wilhelm Kark! You're a world championship sailor and also are one of the co-founders of KTH startup Netspons, connecting athletes with sponsors. Tell us about it.

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  • Remote clinical research with care for sensitive data

    Ett konferensrum där två män och en kvinna sitter vid ett avlångt bord och lyssnar på en ung man som håller en presentation framför en skärm. På skärmen anas en bild av en medelålders man och en äldre kvinna.
    Stéfan presenting Sensivo during a trip to Boston in the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program.
    Published May 20, 2020

    Hi Stéfan Stéfansson! You are one of the founders of Sensivo, on a mission to help researchers handle sensitive data when working remotely. Tell us more!

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  • Putting a stop to cows' emissions

    Two conical flasks and a petri dish containing a liquid where the red algae is suspended. In the foreground, a tube runs through the picture.
    This is the algae that can reduce cows' greenhouse gas emissions.
    Published May 19, 2020

    Hi Leo Wezelius! You're one of the founders of KTH startup Volta Greentech, that want to use algae to reduce cows' greenhouse gas emissions.

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  • Digital kickoff for 17 new KTH startups

    17 new startup projects have joined the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program. Yesterday, they met for the first time in a digital kick-off
    Published Mar 18, 2020

    Seventeen teams have joined the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program. Yesterday, they met for the first time in a digital kick off. From a simulation platform for quantum mechanics to an app that help...

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  • Algae to make cows more climate-friendly

    Two e-pistons containing water and red algae
    This is the algae that can reduce cows' greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 percent.
    Published Feb 10, 2020

    If cows were a country, they would rank 3rd in greenhouse gas emissions, but by feeding them a special type of algae you can reduce their emissions by up to 80 percent. Here is the KTH team setting th...

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  • 3D-printed lipstick in 60 seconds

    Jasmin Sabir and Selah Li celebrating their victory in front of a screen saying congratulations
    Ellure won the pitch competition in New York. Picture: SACCNY
    Published Jan 30, 2020

    Meet Ellure, the KTH startup that can print a lipstick in your perfect color in just a minute. Here’s the story of how they managed to land a New York office as part of the KTH Innovation Brighter Pro...

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  • The future of green batteries in development at KTH

    A hand holding up a battery with SKOPAS written on the side.
    Published Jan 24, 2020

    Imagine a future where batteries can be made from biomaterials, be charged within seconds, and are so clean they can simply be tossed in the trash when they reach the end of their lifespan. This is th...

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  • From train trips to satellite propulsion: here are the latest startup projects from KTH

    Amin Kazemzadeh is a researcher at the KTH Department of Protein Science. Together with Sandra Jernström from Karolinska Institute, he's founded Flexpenser. Photo by Anton Granh & Petter Elnerud
    Published Oct 16, 2019

    Yesterday, an exciting journey started for the fourteen new projects in the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program. Among the ideas are teams developing propulsion systems for satellites, networking app...

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  • The KTH spinoff with their sights set on Hollywood

    Mirko Lempert and Simon Alexanderson form the team behind Monocular
    Published Aug 30, 2019

    Collaboration between researchers from KTH and Stockholm University of the Arts give filmmakers new tools to create even better movies.

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  • Forget stressful exam periods with KTH startup Kollin

    Published Aug 29, 2019

    Ever procrastinated for too long and ended up losing sleep over an exam? KTH startup Kollin is here to put an end to your worries.

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  • A sustainable helmet in a double sense

    Rickard Croy, one of the entrepreneurs behind the helmet Lokatt.
    Published Apr 23, 2019

    What happens when you pair a fanatic snowboarder with KTH? In Rickard Croy's case, you get a helmet for extreme riders.

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  • From positioning technology to blockchain for art – KTH Innovation welcomes Batch 9!

    The team behind Icarus Digital Math
    Published Mar 14, 2019

    15 new startup projects have been accepted to Batch 9 of the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program. With alumni including known startups like Airmee, Degoo, Manomotion, and Greenely, it’s safe to say t...

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  • Labtrino wants to halve your water-usage

    Published Mar 04, 2019

    Ramtin Massoumzadeh and Thibault Helle spent a full day brainstorming ideas. When the day was over, they’d settled on one: the smart shower. Now, a year and a half later, their idea has developed into...

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  • KTH startup accelerates image annotation

    KTH student Oscar Örnberg and KTH researcher Vahan Petrosyan from Superannotate AI
    Published Feb 06, 2019

    Based on AI research from KTH, this team has developed one of the fastest image annotation systems on the market. Here’s another KTH startup to keep track of: meet Superannotate AI.

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  • Apostar: need and competence combined

    Published Jan 30, 2019

    When Fredrik Sebek and Oliver Petri started studying computer science at KTH, none of them had becoming startup founders on their to do list, but that changed when they got in contact with Taraneh Sho...

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  • 15 new startups accepted to the Pre-incubator Program

    Mikaela Larsell Ayesa & Alice Axelsson, founders of AXMA
    Published Sep 24, 2018

    There seems to be no end to how many entrepreneurs KTH can produce. When KTH Innovation welcomes Batch 8, a record-breaking 15 aspiring startups enter the Pre-incubator program.

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  • KTH Innovation's pre-incubator program, 14.55, Friday August 24th

    Thibault Helle and Ramtin Mass from Labtrino, Batch 6 of the pre-incubator program. Labtrino develops a smart water meter that increases awareness of consumption.
    Published Aug 24, 2018

    The KTH Innovation office is teeming with activity. One team is busy writing a press-release, another is holding a meeting with a potential investor, and a third is in the middle of demoing their prod...

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  • The summer job that sparked a business idea

    Max Dyrhage, Emil Karlsson and Håkan Dyrhage from the Cheffle team
    Published Jun 29, 2018

    The semester is over and for many KTH students it’s time to start your summer job. Should you run into issues while working, put some extra thought into the solution – it could spark the idea for your...

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  • Impressive results when steel meets Artificial Intelligence

    Published Jun 14, 2018

    Swedish history is closely connected to iron. For over a thousand years, its people have mined and refined steel, in a process that has gone from extracting the iron by hand, to what is today a highly...

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