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The KTH Innovation pre-incubator program

About the program

In the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program, you get the support you need to take your startup project as far as possible in one year.

Each semester we select 20 promising teams founded by students, researchers, and employees at KTH. Together, you form a creative community and support each other through ups and downs.

You share the goal of launching a product or service on the market in one to two years.

Do you have an idea you want to fully explore? Do you have exciting research results that have sparked interest? Are you curious about how far you can get with a helping hand, a large network, and the right resources?

Then you should apply to the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program!

The pre-incubator program offer

In addition to our open business development support  that is available to everyone that is eligible for support from KTH Innovation, the teams in the program get:

  • ​Access to KTH Innovation's coworking space at Teknikringen 1, centrally on Campus.
  • Tailor-made workshops every week.
  • A large group of people who believe in you and want you to succeed.
  • High priority from your business development coach.
  • Invitations to community activities, such as lunch seminars and after works.
  • Access to makerspace and production studio.
  • Offers from our partners, such as payment or database solutions.
  • The opportunity to get an experienced external mentor in the KTH Innovation Mentor Program .
  • The change to pitch for SEK 250,000 in investment from KTH Holding .
  • You also get access to our full support in funding, patents and agreements, recruitment and much more.

Good to know

Program period: 12 months, starting in January or September. 

Cost: The program is free of charge. We take no ownership in your idea. 

Application period: We accept around 15-20 new projects twice a year, with application periods in May/June and October/November. The application period opens in the fall of 2024.

Who can apply? Teams where at least 30 % of the members are KTH students, researchers, or employees. 

After the program: After the program you will have taken large steps in the development of your project. The overall goal of the program is to find your first customer and to have your first product or service ready. You will have increased your knowledge of entrepreneurship and commercialization, and have built your own network. 

The goal: Demo Day

After twelve months, selected teams will join Demo Day, where you get to show off your development to investors and partners.

Watch alumni pitches on YouTube

Mustafa Al-Janabi, Frank Jiang and Elisa Bin outside in front of shrubbery and a yellow building.

"The easiest way to appreciate something is to imagine what it would be like if you didn't have it, and I can't imagine us getting anywhere if we haven't had this opportunity to be part of KTH Innovation."

- Mustafa Al-Janabi, co-founder of ABConnect , Batch 13. In the picture together with the other two founders Frank Jiang and Elisa Bin, both PhD students at KTH at the time.

Álvaro Morales López

"In the program, we mix with experienced business people, young entrepreneurs, scientists and others working on their own ideas. It doesn’t matter where you come from, we are all facing the same issues and challenges."

- Álvaro Morales López, PhD student at KTH and CEO of Akira Science

Hiba & Safae

"Being in an environment with other entrepreneurs and feel that "I'm a part of this" is great. That's really important when you're a startup. You have a small team and work a lot on your own."

- Hiba Adem, founder of DYAMO

Share your ups and downs

Share your journey with 20 other teams working towards the same goal.

Global network

Tap into a global network of founders, investors and potential partners. 

80 % success rate

80% of the teams in the program launch a product or service on the market after one year.

Frequently asked questions

How far should I have developed my idea?

If we know that you and your idea exist, we can help you figure out if the pre-incubator program is right for you. Don't think too much about whether you've come far enough. Submit your application and we'll sort it out together.

Do I need to have founded a company?

No, you don't need to have founded a company. If you decide that's something you'll want to do, we can help you!

I'm a researcher at KTH. Can I apply?

Yes, and you'll be in good company! Many research-based teams have joined the program. Read our article five reasons for KTH researchers to join the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program  to find out more.

How much time do we need to devote?

The teams in the programs meet during lunch for one hour a week either physically at KTH Innovation's premises or on Zoom. Between each meeting, you will get tasks that helps you develop your idea towards the market. How much time you spend on top of that is up to you.

Does everyone in the team have to have a KTH connection?

No, we welcome teams with external members, but around 30% of the team need to be active as students, researchers or employees at KTH.

What happens if we don't get selected for the program?

You can always try again! Everyone who applies to the program and is eligible for support from KTH Innovation will enter our open support process, where you develop your idea with the help of your business development coach. We will help get you ready so you have a better chance of joining the next batch.