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Eatit is the digital dietitian that transforms your health with food uniquely right for you

Eatit combines the food that you want to eat, with what you need to eat according to the science of your body. Users leave a blood test at their local care center, connect their health applications and make a test to identify their taste profile. The Eatit AI-system analyses the data and gives health recommendations and individualized food recipes.

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From the founders:

We understand you by putting the individual pieces together and make out what your body crave. Instead of you guessing what health statues you have, we help you to understand and identify the statues of your body. We screen your blood as a doctor and dietitian would do and combine it with your health data to reveal insights about you. The recommendations are grounded in the science that physicians and dietitians use in their clinical work every day.

The team behind Eatit

The Eatit team consists of entrepreneurs, engineers, medical doctors, dietitians, developers and a PhD researcher within AI. Their joint knowledge is combined to create the digital dietitian!

Read more about Eatit, join their waitlist and follow their journey!

Team: Oytun Yildirimdemir, Theresia Silander Hagström, Anders Lundberg, Matilda Elfman, Baran Topal, Timmy Lindholm, Pedram Fathollahzadeh, Xuechun Xu and Antonios Papadopoulos.

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: May 02, 2018