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We want to make the world a little bit better

Published Jul 28, 2016

The idea, born during a school project at KTH during 2011, is on the way to being realised. Sunay Gupta and his team have been accepted to the KTH Innovation pre-incubator with their company WindiGlobe and are now developing sustainable energy in Tanzania.

Foto: Windiglobe

Sonay Gupta is currently doing a masters in renewable energy at KTH and is just back from Barcelona where he took part in a management and entrepreneurship program during the summer. With the company WindiGlobe Sunay and his team are developing a small scale wind turbine for growth markets in the African costal countries - starting in Tanzania.

– We are targeting the charging stations that are today powered either by diesel generators or solar panels. The generators currently used are expensive to run and harmful to the environment, and the solar panels break in the heat. As they can not be mended they just get left in the open. Our outlook is that in countries like Tanzania, which is a very windy place, a wind powered solution would be a perfect alternative. says Sunay Gupta.

Interesting market in Tanzania

Mobile phone use in Tanzania has increased from 10 % to 75 % in just ten years. The market for computers is expected to show the same growth. WindiGlove is planning to offer a wind powered charging station catering to all those in need of charging their mobile phone or computer. 

– The international mobile phone providers in Sub-Sahara are very interested in these independent solutions. With more people being able to charge their devices more data is used which in the end benefits the providers. However, at the moment all focus is on solar panels whereas we belive that wind power should be available in these windy regions too, sayas Sunay.

How come you approached KTH Innovation?

– In order to get structure and because there is so much valuable knowledge there. At the moment we are focusing on the product, selecting the best material and design for effective production. We also want to bring something to test in Tanzania fairly soon and conduct market research. Since we both have KTH ties we though why not? 

The team reveals that it is their passion for sustainable energy that makes them want to be entrepreneurs. Here in Sweden we need to think again, because even though energy is readily available it may not be the right kind for being sustainable in the long run, they maintain. 

– We want to make the world a little bit better! What drives us to do this is the ambition to improve the environment and the will to give people everywhere the opportunity to communicate with each other, says Sunay.

Looking for two team members

How do you manage to combine studies and startup?

– It's much easier than combining startup with a job. You are a lot more flexible during your studies, you can skip a lecture but then study all through the night if you want. It is really during your time as a student that you have an ideal opportunity to get something started, concludes Sunay.

WindiGlobe is currently recruiting two new team members. Are you a student at KTH with a passion for sustainable energy? Then maybe this is  your opportunity to make a difference!

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Sales Oriented Business Developer at a Cleantech Startup

Technical Lead at a Cleantech Startup

Emelie Södergren

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Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Jul 28, 2016