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Welcome to KTH Innovation!

Are you curious about innovation? Do you have an idea you want to develop, or do you want to find other creative people? Then you've come to the right place!

We are here for you who want to test developing an idea during your time at KTH. We help you through all the steps from an idea in your head, until you start a business - or realize that this wasn't for you after all.

We meet 400 teams with new ideas from all areas every year. It could be a new type of fabric created from waste products (the image at the top was taken during our 2022 Fashion Innovation Show), an app for horse people, or something else entirely. What you want to develop is up to you!

The only thing you need to do to get started with your own idea is to send us a description of it. We never share what you tell us with anyone else. You can contact us at any time.

If you don't have your own idea yet, there are several ways to get involved. You can join an existing team, participate in our events, or join a program.

The best time to try is here at KTH!

Three reasons to try

  • Learn things that will benefit you in your career, regardless of whether your idea works out or not.
  • Help solve problems in society. Contribute to a more sustainable world, or make someone's life easier or more fun.
  • Get a large network of creative, curious and motivated people.

Four ideas from KTH 

Selah Li

For a more sustainable cosmetics industry

27 lipsticks are sold every second, but a large percentage are never used. In addition, huge amounts of makeup get thrown away without ever leaving the store. When Selah Li studied the master's program in ICT Innovation at KTH, she started Ellure together with Marc van Almkerk.

- We realized that technology could reduce the problem of overproduction and waste in the cosmetics industry and also make makeup more personal to match people of all colors and styles, says Selah.

The Ellure team contacted KTH Innovation in 2017. After receiving positive feedback on their user tests, they built a 3D printer where you can choose from ten thousand different colors and print a lipstick in just one minute. Instead of producing thousands of lipsticks of the same color, only one is produced, which also comes in reusable packaging.

Ellure went with KTH Innovation to New York in the Brighter program, got one year of office space in the pre-incubator program, and received help with agreements, business development coaching, and much more.

Read more:

3D-printed lipstick in 60 seconds

Two women recording a video in a studio

Helping women with PCOS

​Kristina Stojanovic and Leyla Ali Dholey have founded the PCOS app Ovulai together with Sandra Liljeqvist and Katarina Stojanovic.

One in five women suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS. PCOS is caused by an imbalance of hormones from the ovaries and can, among other things, cause you to have irregular or absent periods, increased body hair growth and difficulty getting pregnant.

As students at KTH, the four founders wanted to do something to help women suffering from PCOS. With support from KTH Innovation, they started Ovulai, an app specially designed for PCOS patients. They got help to find their business model, got funding to develop their app, and lots of advice from their business development coach Tom Magnergård.

More information:

Portrait of Jowan Rostami

Biobased materials that protect marine ecosystems

Jowan Rostami is a PhD student at KTH and the founder of Cellufy. She develops multifunctional bio-based materials from wood that can protect fish and other aquatic life from the dangers of hydroelectric plant turbines.

Jowan has been working with KTH Innovation business coach Daniel Carlsson since 2022.

- Daniel has been invaluable in providing support throughout this process, says Jowan. It has been immensely reassuring to receive guidance and advice on both minor and major challenges.

Now, Jowan and her co-founders Rebecca Östmans, Farhiya Alex Sellman, and Professor Lars Wågberg have is working closely with Vattenfall to scale up the production of their materials. In November 2023, they joined the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program as one of the teams in Batch 18.

More information:

Picture: Filippa Ludvig

Maria and Josefine working on their prototype

Instruments for everyone

​Maria Svahn and Josefine Hölling want to make it easier for children with intellectual disabilities to play and interact, both with each other and with normally gifted children.

They have started funki and are building a set of musical instruments that enable all kinds of people to play music together, fully, and on their own terms.

Both Maria and Josefine have studied media technology at KTH. The idea behind funki came about in a course that included collaboration with a school for children with disabilities. They contacted KTH Innovation in the fall of 2022.

Since then, they have had help from their business development coach Donnie Lygonis. They have started a company, received funding to develop their prototypes, and travelled with KTH Innovation to London. They have also won several competitions.

Read more:

Quality Award for KTH startup

What help can you get?

If you have an idea

KTH Innovation is the first step for you who have an idea you want to develop. You can get started at any time! 

Here, you can:

  • Test your idea in a safe environment with the help of experienced people.
  • Get a personal business development coach who guides you as you develop your idea

  • Get funding to for example, develop a prototype or conduct a market survey
  • Get help with agreements and contracts so you can protect your idea
  • Join one or more programs . For example, you can come with us to a global innovation hub, or get a year's worth of office space in a supportive community at Teknikringen 1.
  • Get help in finding team members
  • Become part of a supportive and creative community with other founders at KTH
  • Take part in our global network
  • Connect with investors, potential customers, and our thousands of alumni
Sundar Pichai and Danica Kragic in conversaton on stage

Visit us at Teknikringen 1

Teknikringen 1 is the meeting place for innovation and entrepreneurship at KTH. The building is open for everyone every weekday from 07.30-16.30.

Image: Google's CEO Sundar Pichai and KTH professor Danica Kragic at Teknikringen 1, spring 2023.


Meet the global market

Test your startup project on the global market in the KTH Innovation Brighter Program! Join us in Paris, learn about international business culture, grow your network and get inspired.