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The House of Science

Today we meet 80,000 school students and teachers per year with the main purpose of inspiring and creating interest and knowledge in an environment that demonstrates science, technology and mathematics. Our activities are hands-on experiments with modern research equipment in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and technology, and are offered in laboratories at AlbaNova University Center, and in Nature's House in the Bergian Garden. The House of Science is a center jointly owned by KTH and Stockholm University. Organizationally The House of Science belongs to the Department of Learning at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM) at KTH.

Photomontage of activities at the House of Science

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School programmes, weekend courses, teacher-training and events

Our school programmes for student groups and courses for children and youths on weekends and school holidays are guided by students from KTH and Stockholm University. These "visiting leaders" appear as role models for the visiting students as they describe their own education and tell about life as a student. We work both in-depth and interdisciplinary to meet different requirements in course and subject plans.

We also provide courses for newly arrived young people, guide high school work and offering teacher training. The House of Science also participates and conducts events in the city, such as ForskarFredag and Edutainmentdag at Gröna Lund.

Center jointly owned by KTH and SU

The House of Science is owned by KTH and Stockholm University with the City of Stockholm as the largest external financier. The business is also sponsored by a number of companies.

Head of unit

The center is led by a director.