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Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and educational development

KTH is known for the quality of our students' education and the staff's creativity and commitment. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education works with staff to enrich pedagogy and innovation and encourages the exchange of ideas and methods. Today we have the following branches of activity.

Competence development as a teacher

The university pedagogical qualifying course offerings at KTH are continuously developed to meet the national recommendations and be locally relevant.

All basic courses are given in English, but among the additional courses some are given in English and others in Swedish. KTH's courses in Teaching and Learning are developed according to SUHF's recommendations for qualifying and may be included in the requirement for 15 credits in academic teaching for employment or promotion to a teaching position at KTH.
We also have workshops, seminars, study visits and other activities.

Networking for everyone at KTH on educational issues

Storträffen (Large network meetings)

Every semester, we address priority issues for KTH's education. The meetings are mainly in a round table format where participants can choose from several different themes to discuss around. The Vice president for education invites all leaders of education at KTH, such as Directors of First and Second Cycle Education, Program Directors, education administraters, educational developers, director of Studies, the education committee, representatives from the student union as well as all interested staff and interested students.
Read more about Storträffen here

Program directors network meetings

The program director network aims to clarify the program director role and stimulate innovation in pedagogical development in KTH's approximately 140 educational programs at basic and advanced level.

Third-cycle education network

The focus is on continuous follow-up and program analysis. Support is mainly from PhD’s. Focus is on education, courses and goal fulfillment.

The director of studies network

An informal network where KTH's directors of studies in undergraduate education can exchange experiences, discuss common issues and share information.

SoTL conference every two years

The main purpose of this internal conference series is to stimulate KTH teachers to develop their teaching and learning by researching, documenting and sharing their educational efforts. We encourage all KTH employees & students who are interested in teaching and learning to present projects, research or pedagogical development work.
​​​​​​​Read more about our SoTL conferences here ​​​​​​​

Partnership and international network

In addition to quality evaluations, annual program analysis, and development plans, we work nationally and internationally with various networks within higher education pedagogy.