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Learn how to communicate science

We are responsible for several programme courses at KTH, e.g. Engineering Communication and Rhetoric. We also offer communication packages within presentation and writing techniques.

Course catalogue

Customized commissions

Teachers, programme directors or course coordinators at KTH can order customized lectures or packages for courses and programmes.


Written Communication


Oral communication


Visual Communication


Communicative leadership


Negotiation technique


Engineering writing


Presentation and opposition

How it works


Many independent courses are listed in KTH's course catalogue. You can apply via

For doctoral courses priority is given to KTH employees, but if places are available you can be admitted even to these.

We also customise commissioned education for companies. Perhaps your entire department wants to improve their presentation techniques or learn how to visualize complex messages. We can help you with that.

More about further studies (Swedish)

Doctoral student or researcher at KTH

We offer three communication-focused doctoral courses, and one course in presentation skills for researchers. Doctoral students and researchers at KTH have priority, but applicants from other universities are welcome if places are available. One can apply directly to KTH Language and Communication via the links on each course page.

If you are interested in a workshop, please talk to your manager, who orders it for an entire group.

Everything for doctoral students at KTH

Programme student at KTH

Register for credit-bearing courses during the registration periods via

Everything for programme students

KTH's programmes and courses

Our services increase student completion in programmes, boost student satisfaction and unburden you as a teacher at KTH. Choose whether you want to order individual lectures, an entire package with various elements, or integrate entire credit-bearing courses into your programme.

Lectures and packages for KTH's programmes (Swedish)

Coaching for teachers

Get help constructing student assignments, assessing written reports, or delivering presentations. As a teacher, you can get help from the department's talented experts.


KTH staff

Talk to your immediate manager if you would like to take a course or attend a workshop. Some courses are free, while others involve a cost to your employer.

All staff training on