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Credit-bearing courses in Swedish

Our credit-bearing courses in Swedish help international students to quickly achieve a high level of Swedish. The courses are designed to meet the needs of international engineering students and include themes and vocabulary relevant to this group.

The Swedish for Engineers courses are currently offered at the levels A1-B1/B2. All courses provide 7.5 ECTS and run for a whole semester. The courses Swedish A1 and A2 can also be taken as period-long courses. Incoming students also have the opportunity to take Swedish A1 as an intensive course in August, before the start of the academic year.


Lessons during the fall and spring semesters are given once a week (semester-long courses) or twice a week (period-long courses) in small groups on KTH campus. The pace of study is high, especially in the period-long courses, and students are required to do a great deal of independent work between the lessons.

For students who cannot attend a course on campus, we offer Swedish A1 as an online course (LS140N) with online seminars every other week during the fall and spring semesters. 


All international students at KTH are eligible to apply for a credit-bearing course in Swedish. We do not accept external students. Doctoral students and KTH employees are referred to our Swedish courses for employees.

The courses build on each other and must be taken in the correct order. Students who have previous knowledge of Swedish must take our placement test to determine their level before applying for a course. 


Exchange students

Exchange students apply for Swedish courses in the system MobilityOnline in the same way as for regular courses. Enter the application code for the level and weekday of your choice. You will then be admitted to the course by your coordinator.

Double degree and dual master students

To apply for a Swedish course, double degree and dual master students follow the instructions given by their international coordinator. 

Other master students

Other master students apply for Swedish language courses at at the same time period as for other courses.

If you are interested in a course outside of the semester, for example the intensive course in August, please contact your coordinator.

Remember that Swedish language courses you apply to this way are credit-bearing and will count towards your allotted 120 credits within the programme.

Contact for questions

If you have questions or comments, please contact the teacher responsible for the subject: