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Intercultural competence

You need to be able to understand, communicate and work in environments characterised by cultural and social diversity. Global competence is increasingly demanded in professional life and is a prerequisite for working successfully in our global society. This course will help you develop that competence.

Course contents

With concrete examples and problem-based inductive learning, the course introduces the theoretical models needed for efficient reflection on, and analysis of, intercultural situations, communication and teamwork.

The course provides opportunities to learn and practice, individually and in groups, various practical methods for working constructively, creatively and ethically with personal and cultural variation and diversity, as well as for handling critical intercultural situations.

The course contributes to an increased level of self-awareness and understanding of important issues such as identity, stereotypes, norms and behavioral patterns.

During the course, we will examine roles and expectations, relevant to the student's specific profession, that may exist in different countries, companies and workplaces, and discuss what consequences this may have in, e.g., multi-disciplinary and international projects.

We discuss, how inter-cultural skills are linked to the common values for KTH Royal Institute of Technology and other universities and organisations, to global citizenship and to sustainable development.

The course also covers emotional aspects of international teamwork, living and working abroad as well as returning to your country.

Documentation, reflection and accounting of intercultural experiences and learning are brought up as a step towards personal development and future employability.

The course is given in English and makes use of the fact that KTH has students with different backgrounds at all levels.

KTH's Certificate of Global Competence

This course is the first step in KTH's Certificate of Global Competence (CGC). The second step consists of exchange studies or equivalent, and the third and final of the course LS2600 Global Competence. If you are not looking to gain the certificate, but still want to improve your global competence, you are welcome to only take this course, which can be taken within the framework of optional credits, and is elective for all students. 

To obtain the certificate, this course must be completed before the start of the exchange studies, but can otherwise be taken at any time during the programme, and is open to all students at KTH.

International students wishing to obtain the certificate may take this course in the beginning of their stay at KTH and then continue with the second course, their time in Sweden being the equivalent of Swedish students' exchange studies abroad.

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