Presentation skills
The lecture is aimed at KTH staff who in some way engage in oral communication. We take a look at how you can plan and execute different kinds of oral presentations in various situations, cope with nerves, and deliver your message in an interesting and engaging manner. You will get a number of useful points, examples and advice that you can apply in your own work environment.
Content of the workshop
The aim is to inspire the participants to develop their own personal presentation style through simple and concrete examples and advice that are easy to put into practice. The lecture will touch on subject such as:
How you create credibility for yourself and your topic.
How you can adapt your message in different situations and with various audiences.
Valuable insights regarding preparations so that you can give yourself the best conditions to be successful in your communication.
How you can use Powerpoint and other visual aids to make your presentation more efficient and engaging for the audience.
Strategies to cope with speech anxiety
Useful examples for using verbal and non-verbal communication to deliver an interesting and memorable presentation.
The lecture is combined with group discussions and examples that involve the audience.
Date and place
Spring semester 2020: May 15, 13:00-16:00 hours, Comenius (Teknikringen 14).
Linda Söderlindh, Lecturer in Engineering Communication and Rhetoric at KTH, Language and communication. She is also a PhD student in rhetoric at Örebro University and has more than 17 years of experience teaching rhetoric at different academic levels as well as outside the university.