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Three new projects approved within two days

Published Jun 27, 2012

Within two days the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration have received the news that three larger applications have been granted.

Two of the applications are for EU-projects concerning development of heat pumps for the future. In cooperation with two different groups of universities and companies, the division will work with new ideas for how the heat pumps of the future should be designed to fit into Smart Cities and contribute to the goals of the EU concerning reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases from the built environment.

The third accepted application has the title “PV-panels on the roofs of multifamily and tenant-owned buildings”. The project is done in cooperation with Building Technology and Real Estate Economy here at KTH. More info is found here:

Page responsible:Oxana Samoteeva
Belongs to: Energy Technology
Last changed: Jun 27, 2012