Professor Hans Lööf debates in DN about the competitiveness of refugees in labor market
On June 4, Professor Hans Lööf from INDEK/KTH and Professor Andreas Stephan from the Linnaeus University participated in a debate article called "Flyktingars högre löner visar integrationens kraft" (en. Refugees' higher wages show the power of integration) in Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter in their debate space "DN debate" about the competitiveness of refugees in the Swedish labor market
The article is behind a paywall on Dagens Nyheter website:
On August 15th, the journal "Ekonomisk debatt" (en. Economical debate) published the professors' study on refugee immigrants, which was the basis for the debate article in Dagens Nyheter.
The article "Hur konkurrenskraftiga är flyktingar på svensk arbetsmarknad" (en. How competitive are refugees on the Swedish labor market?) can be read in its entirety here: .