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National strategic research areas

KTH has a leading role in five national strategic research areas: IT and mobile communication, molecular biosciences, transport, production, and e-science. The investment towards strategic research areas started in 2009 and was made on behalf of the Swedish government.

In 2009, the government decided to invest in SRA's, and the decision aimed at creating the best conditions for the generation of world-leading research. It was based on the recommendation of the Swedish Research Council, FAS, Formas, Vinnova, and the Swedish Energy Agency.

National research areas coordinated by KTH

KTH coordinates the following five areas:

  • e-Science
  • IT and mobile communication technology
  • Molecular life sciences
  • Production
  • Transport

Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC)


Today, managing large amounts of data and using high-performance computers for simulations and calculations is an integral part of scientific research. SeRC supports existing and new e-science communities, enabling them to reach scientific breakthroughs in Sweden. Partners are Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, Linköping University and KTH.

Examples of research results: Climate modelling contributing to the IPCC report  and e-Science tools evaluate new population based prostate cancer screening tests .

SeRC's website


Dan Henningson
Dan Henningson professor
Olivia Eriksson
Olivia Eriksson researcher

Digital futures: Information and Communication Technology the Next Generation (ICT-TNG)

IT and mobile communication technology

Digital Futures is an interdisciplinary research center with the vision to create a sustainable society through digital transformation. It was founded in 2020 based on an expanded significant long-term grant to ​​IT and mobile communication. The research built up within ICT-TNG that contributes to solving crucial problems in future energy consumption, climate change, affordable healthcare, efficient transport, and an inclusive society, will be included in the Digital Futures center in the future. Partners are KTH, Stockholm University, and RISE.

Digital Future's website

Example of research results: 5G and beyond  and Conversational Social Robots.


Karl Henrik Johansson
Karl Henrik Johansson professor
Anna Kiefer
Anna Kiefer senior officer

SciLifeLab: Science for Life Laboratory

Molecular Life Sciences

SciLifeLab is a national center for molecular life sciences focusing on research in translational medicine and molecular life sciences. SciLifeLab is a national resource operated by Karolinska Institutet, KTH, Stockholm University and Uppsala University.

Examples of research results: A new strategy for treatment of fatty liver disease  and Exploring landscapes of gene activity in tissue and disease.

SciLifeLab's website


Amelie Eriksson Karlström
Amelie Eriksson Karlström professor

Excellence in Production RESearch (XPreS)

Transport Research Environment with Novel Perspectives (TrENoP)



The research is focused on land transportation. TRENoP explores innovative technology and policy concepts, intelligent systems for decision support at the tactical, operational, and strategic level, and implementation processes. Partners are Linköping University, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), and KTH.

Examples of research results: Off-peak pilot Stockholm  and Regularity-based bus services Stockholm.


Mikael Nybacka
Mikael Nybacka associate professor

Research areas where KTH is partner

KTH is partner in five strategic research areas:


Area: Brain

Brain disorders are among the most common causes of disability in high-income countries. The European Brain Council has estimated that one-third of Europe's residents will be affected at some point during their lifetime. StratNeuro integrates research in clinical and basic neurosciences, aiming to reduce the burden of disease from brain disorders.

Coordinator: Karolinska Institutet.

StratNeuro's website


Area: Cancer

The research community U-CAN collects and structures data, biomolecules, tumor, and blood samples from cancer patients before, during, and after treatment. The material is used to develop methods and drugs for diagnosing and treating tumor diseases.

Coordinator: Uppsala University.

U-CAN's website

ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE)

Area: Climate changes

Even though we already have sufficient knowledge of climate change today to justify emission reduction actions, there is still a need to understand better the uncertainties that remain in assessing climate change and its consequences

Coordinator: Lund University.

MERGE's website

Stand-Up for Energy (StandUP)

Area: Energy

STand-UP focuses on long-term sustainable energy supply, one of the grand global challenges in the coming decades. The research groups within STand-UP have a shared vision for the future of society with access to renewable, reliable, and cost-effective energy for housing, trade, transport, and industry.

Coordinator: Uppsala University.

STand-UP's website

Security Link

Area: Security and Emergency preparedness

Security and emergency preparedness cover wireless communication, advanced sensors and detectors, sensor and information fusion, decision support and coordination for crisis management, and related ethical issues.

Coordinator: Linköping University.

Security Link's website