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KTH Materials Platform Day 2019

The KTH Materials Platform Day is the annual workshop for materials related research at KTH. This year’s topic will be on metallic materials in connection with the 200 year celebration of Bergsskolan at KTH on 18 June. The workshop will highlight the contribution of research and education to solving the major challenges that humanity is facing in our time, including challenges related to the Earth's climate and effective management of resources.

Theme: Metallic Materials

A goal of the anniversary celebration is to highlight the forward-looking decision to focus on higher technical education and the successful research that has supported this endeavour. Lifelong education based on leading research has, together with entrepreneurship, laid the foundation for a strong Swedish industrial development.

With the Jubilee Conference we want to highlight the contribution of research and education to address the major challenges faced by humanity in our day. Challenges about the Earth's climate, the importance of a good environment, effective management of our resources and human needs for food and health care, for example.

In all these areas metallic materials are included as part of possible solutions, but it also requires the efficient use of the material and its properties, as well as the possibility of reuse and recycling. All this will require further development and deepening of our knowledge, and this knowledge will be conveyed to the students, who will be a key problem solver of the future!


Parallell sessions in B1-B3 at Brinellvägen 23.

 B1: Process technology for reduced environmental impact

  • Shin-ya Kitamura, Tohoku University: Extraction of P and Mn from Steelmaking Slag
  • Caisa Samuelsson, LTU: Recycling of metallurgical slags
  • Jarkko Partinen, Outotec: Development of new sustainable technologies at Outotec with low environmental impact
  • John Bustnes, SWERIM: Pilot plant research for improved process technologies
  • Chris Pistorius, CMU: Lower-carbon ironmaking with methane and hydrogen
  • Rolf Ljunggren, Cortus: Use of bio-gas in iron- and steel production
  • Paul Cobden, SWERIM: The STEPWISE project
  • Weihong Yang, KTH: Sustainable projects at KTH

B2: Modeling of new alloys

  • Ida Berglund, QuesTek: Materials design as a business – an entrepreneurial aspect of education
  • John Ågren, KTH: Materials Genome
  • Susanne Norgren, Sandvik: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering applied to wear and degradation of metal cutting tools
  • John Hald, DTU: Development of 9–12 % Cr-steels
  • Malin Selleby, KTH: CALPHAD Modeling

B2: Modeling of new alloys – with a focus on ab-initio

  • Börje Johansson, UU/KTH: Establishing ab initio at MSE
  • Olle Eriksson, UU: Magnetism and steels in Sweden
  • Kalevi Kokko, Turku Univ.: Finish-Swedish joint research on ab initio-steels
  • Qing-Miao Hu, IMR-CAS: MSE-IMR collaboration during last 15 years
  • Erik Holmstrom, Sandvik Coromant: Ab initio for hard metal industry

B3: Circular economy

  • Maria Åstrand, Northvolt: A European value chain for battery-materials; a key for sustainability
  • Mari Lundström, Aalto: Circular economy of battery metals in Europe – current status and future R&D needs
  • Patrick Amerlaan, Boliden: Metals in the modern society – challenges and developments
  • Christer Forsgren, Stena: Recycling – from elements to materials
  • Björn Haase, Höganäs: By-products as part of the circular economy

B3: Additive manufacturing – materials and applications

  • Maurizio Vedani, Politechnico di Milano: The microstructural mechanisms governing strength and processability of additively manufactured metal alloys
  • Eva Jacobsson, Höganäs: Current and future metal powder manufacturing
  • Martin Nilsson – VBN: The new steel plant in Uppsala – additive manufacturing in an academic environment
  • Annika Strondl, Swerim: Development of powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing at SWERIM
  • Greta Lindwall and Christopher Hulme-Smith, KTH: Development of powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing at KTH

The history of Bergsskolan