About the platform
KTH Energy Platform aims to support and catalyse interdisciplinary research in the energy field. An important goal is facilitating interaction between KTH's expertise and external partners within academia, public organisations and companies interested in Energy research.
Scientific research, education and innovation is at the heart of transforming todays energy system. Sustainability, reliability and cost-effectiveness are three key concepts in the energy supply of the future. The environmental impact of humanity is strongly linked to our energy services and production. Students and researchers are engaged in the global innovation effort to bring forward new knowledge and solutions that mitigate the threat of climate change and resource scarcity and enable sustainable economic growth for the earth’s population.
Operational assignments
The role of the platform is to provide new opportunities for KTH's energy research and innovation. Based on the competencies and excellence of KTH researchers, cooperation is supported, aiming at synergies and the development of a truly multidisciplinary culture that will enable KTH to play a major role in the development of a sustainable energy system.
Operational activities are run by the Energy Platform team . The team is managed by the , consisting of the heads of schools and the KTH vice president, who is responsible for the KTH's Research Platforms .
The Energy Platform also encompasses several research groups at departments in the KTH school organisation, and competence centres active in research related to Energy .
Reference group
The reference group act as an advisory body to the KTH Energy Platform.