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Tools for assessing impact on sustainable development

Below, a number of tools are listed for assessing impact on the SDG:s and other sustainability-related indicators.

SDG Synergies, an interactive tool developed by Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI (a strategic partner of KTH).
SDG Impact Assessment Tool, developed by Sustainable Development Solutions Network, SDSN.
The NDC-SDG Connections tool analyses connections between climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. By identifying synergies, the tool enables more effective and ambitious national action to implement the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. (By SEI).

UN SDG Assessment Methodology and Guideline, by Quantitative Sustainability Assessment Group DTU Management (2020). UN SDG Assessment Methodology and Guideline (pdf 1.5 MB)

The toolkit for Responsible Research and Innovation, developed by the EU project RRI Tools.

Tools Sustainable Development Goals Impact Assessment Framework for Energy Projects (SDGs-IAE), developed at KTH for assessing how energy projects may affect the achievement of the SDG Targets.
SustainABLE tool, developed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the University of Oxford-led Infrastructure Transition Research Consortium (ITRC) to provide actions to aid practitioners to achieve the SDGs within infrastructure projects.