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Annual Bibliometric Monitoring

KTH's annual bibliometric monitoring (ABM) contains statistics on publication output, citation impact and co-publishing.

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A new version of Annual Bibliometric Monitoring (ABM) 2024 is now available

Every year around December KTH Library releases the Annual Bibliometric Monotoring for the past year.

Read more about ABM 2024

What is the aim of ABM?

KTH's development plan states the importance of KTH's research creating an impact, both within the research community but also that it has a wider impact on society. The importance of collaboration with society in general, business and in international research networks are also emphasized. ÅBU is used as part of the ongoing the follow-up to understand how the business contributes to these goals. Material from ÅBU is also included as a basis in KTH's recurring research evaluations (RAE, Research Assessment Exercise), and are followed up in the school dialogues.

Organisational levels

The ABM is available at different levels - for the entire KTH, schools, departments, and individual researchers. Results for the schools and departments are open for all, but you will need to log in to see the individual ABM. The report is the same at all levels.

Which publications are included in ABM?

Only publications registered in DiVA that researchers have published when working at KTH are included. Only KTH-affiliated publications are taken into account.