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Guests at the Division 2013

Rob Nixon is the Rachel Carson & Elisabeth Ritzmann Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He will visit the Division for the film festival . He is the keynote speaker for the festival. In addition he will lead a workshop at the Divison on the topic Writing and Activism: Challenging the Status Quo . Rob believes strongly in the value of studying literature from a variety of international, interdisciplinary perspectives in our age of accelerating globalization and advancing climate crisis. Key questions that are fore grounded in his research and writing include: environmental time, environmentalism in the global South, the art of the memoir, travel writing, public writing, transAtlanticism, memory, and migration. Rob is affiliated with the Center for Culture, History and Environment; the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Border and Transcultural Studies; and African Studies. His book Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor  (Harvard University Press, 2011) has won several major literary prizes, among which the 2012 American Book Award. 8-12 April 2013
Graeme Wynn is Professor of historical geography and environmental history at the Department of Geography, University of British Columbia in Canada. Special focus areas include forest exploitation and conservation, histories of migration and settlement, and environment and empire. At the Division, he will among other things take part in a workshop on Nothern Nations, Northern Natures . October-November 2013
Kirsten Thisted is associated professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on postcolonial relations between minorities and majorities, and especially how they are expressed through literature and other aesthetic forms. During her stay at the Division Kirsten will give a higher seminar about Imperial ghosts in the North Atlantic – old and new narratives about the colonial relations between Denmark and Greenland on 4 November. November 2013

Corinna de Guttry is a PhD candidate at Department of Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas, Institute of Coastal Research - Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. She is working on a project on climate change and immigrant communities and will be with us for three months working on a paper on the “green-washing of the anti-immigration discourse” with Marco Armiero, director of the . She will also gather interviews about perceptions of environmental changes among immigrants in Stockholm. Corinna’s stay has been made possible through a Short Mobility Grant from the Cost Action Climate change and migration: knowledge, law and policy, and theory

November 2012-January 2013

Anna Stenport from University of Illinois visits the Division from 19 May to mid-June.

May-June 2013

Per Axelsson from Umeå University visits the Division from 29 April to 21 May.

April-May 2013

Urban Wråkberg from Barents Institute, University of Tromsö, stays with the Division all spring.

Spring semester 2013
Belongs to: Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Last changed: May 03, 2022