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Crosscuts Film Festival

Crosscuts is an environmental humanities festival for documentary film, art and debate created by the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. We bring together storytelling, filmmaking, and research and offer the audience a journey around the world. Through film, poetry and conversations between leading researchers, filmmakers and activists, we approach current topics such as climate change, global resource extraction, gentrification and activism.


For the 2024 edition of Crosscuts we are exploring “Forests.” These are complex ecologies, and places of social and cultural meaning for many historic and contemporary societies. But they are also sites of production and extraction, especially in Sweden and other Nordic countries, where timber monocultures are expanding, not contracting. We want to highlight the challenges forests face, but also what they mean to us, not just as carbon sinks or as sites of biodiversity, but also as environments where our relationships with the more-than-human world have often been at their most complex and enchanting 

We have two nights of film and discussion scheduled at KTH. Plus we are excited to partner with Färgfabriken, one of Stockholm’s premier exhibition spaces for contemporary art and architecture. As part of their 2024 Architecture Trienniale they will be hosting a film screening and discussion that will serve as our opening night. 

The Festival

With this festival, we want to show that research does not always take the form of written text, but can also be a visual experience. In this way, we want to reach out with the research conducted at EHL and at the same time build bridges to the other research projects at the Division and the ABE School.

Crosscut comes across as a cutting-edge bridge between academia, the art world, and the public sphere. This is eminently in line with KTH’s best traditions; the school’s motto famously brings together science and art.  

Jan Olsson, Professor of Cinema Studies, Stockholm University 

Belongs to: KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory
Last changed: Sep 20, 2024