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Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL)

Financial markets need to be transformed urgently so that they support social and environmental sustainability. We believe that this requires an approach that goes beyond traditional financial market research, as otherwise we risk expecting change, without actually getting it. Real change requires that many disciplines, practices and policies work together to bridge skills and benefit each other to create financial markets that lead to sustainability. The Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL) can do that.

The overall ambition for SFL is to achieve real change and development towards increased social and environmental sustainability, both in Sweden and internationally. SFL is a consortium of 6 universities / research institutes that contribute with leading sustainability researchers who has agreed to create an international leading competence center for sustainable financial markets in Sweden and the world.

SFL initially focuses on 4 research themes

1) Scientifically based impact evaluation

2) Innovative thinking about risk and opportunities

3) Sustainability standards and policies

4) Transformation, technology, and innovation

Research in these themes will enable financial market companies to both avoid 'doing harm' and instead 'do good' and transform through innovation.

The centre's partners consist of:

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University - Stockholm Resilience Centre, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, University of Gothenburg, Luleå University of Technology, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research, Lunarway, Sue Ellen Investments, AP7, Riksbank, Church of Sweden, Dreams, World Savings Banks Organization, Nordic ecolabelling (swan), Nordic Credit Rating, Sparbankernas Riksförbund, Swedfund, Fondbolagens förening, Fair finance guide, WWF Världsnaturfonden, Danske Bank, Planethon, Swedbank, Folksam, Öhman, Nasdaq, Stockholm Exergi, Skanska and Akademiska Hus.
