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International Academics (Centre Affiliates)

  • Professor Margaret Crawford, University of California, Berkeley
  • Professor Timothy Beatley, University of Virginia
  • Professor Steffen Lehman, University of Portsmouth
  • Professor Robert Cervero, University of California, Berkeley
  • Professor Aseem Inam, Cardiff University
  • Professor Sasha Tsenkova, University of Calgary
  • Professor Charles Bohl, University of Miami
  • Professor Douglas Kelbaugh, University of Michigan,
  • Professor Malcolm McCullough, University of Michigan,
  • Professor Sarah Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT

National Academics

  • Professor Lars Marcus, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg
  • Associate Professor Krister Olsson, Gothenburg University
  • Associate Professor Sara Westin, Uppsala University
  • Associate Professor Ana Storm, Stockholm University
  • Professor Mattias Kärrholm, Lund Institute of Technology LTH
  • Associate Professor Karin Grundström, Malmö University
  • Associate Professor Andrew Karvonen, KTH, Stockholm
  • Professor Ann Legeby, KTH Stockholm
  • Professor Torbjörn Laike, Lund Institute of Technology LTH
  • Professor Thorbjörn Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU
Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Oct 26, 2020