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From Sidewalks to Systems of Survival

Looking for a different approach to the future of places.
A critical conversation with the writings of Jane Jacobs.

On November 23rd 2016 Centre for the Future of Places had its first International Seminar.

An open and inventive exchange on ideas re-activating a wide range of intriguing texts by Jacobs on places and their economies, on material agency and cities’ “behaviour”, on dynamic perspectives on growth and decline. Connecting close-range observation and large scale analysis. What did her texts say in 2016?

Intro - Jesper Meiling

Dr. Peter L. Laurence

Architectural historian and theorist, director of studies at Clemson University School of Architecture (USA). Author of “Becoming Jane Jacobs” (2016).

Dr. Michael Mehaffy

Strategic planning consultant, university lecturer at Arizona State University (USA).
Research chair for the Future of Places Forum.

Dr. Eva Minoura

Architect an consultant, Spacescape, Stockholm (Sweden).
“Becoming Jane Jacobs” - on the formation of Jacobs as a thinker and author.
“Jacobs’s Web Way of Thinking”, “Jacobs and the Wealth of Cities”.

Peter Elmlund

Panel and Discussions

Panelists include:

  • Stephan Barthel, PhD, theme leader urban social-ecological systems, Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University.
  • Elin Olsson, architect, head of development committee strategy council and city councillor, MP / Green party, City of Stockholm.
  • Björn Hasselgren, Dr Engineering, senior adviser Trafikverket, senior fellow Timbro.
  • Peter Elmlund, economist, director Urban City Research.
  • Oscar Hafvenstein, architect, founding partner Boys Don't Cry.
Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: May 03, 2017