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Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)

A. Dervishaj and K. Gudmundsson, "Is Circular Construction the answer to concrete’s carbon footprint?," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2025.
P. Ekbäck, "Något om fastighetsgränser och gränsmarkeringar," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
P. Ekbäck, "Lågarö by i Rådmansö socken : En lantmäterihistorisk redogörelse," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
A. H. Persson and A.-S. Henrikson, "Lagkommentar till lagen om skuldsanering för företagare," Stockholm : JP Infonet, 2024.
A. H. Persson and A.-S. Henrikson, "Lagkommentar till lagen om skuldsanering," Stockholm : JP Infonet, 2024.
S. Sörlin, "Humtank -- tacktal," , 2024.
A. Dervishaj and K. Gudmundsson, "Digital Reuse : Leveraging technology for a circular built environment," Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
S. Lidström, Y. Moriaki and . et al., "Incoporating deep-ocean biodiversity into climate change policy," , 2023.
N. Wormbs and M. Wolrath Söderberg, "Flygskam / Flight shame : Shame and climate change with a focus on Sweden," Aarhus, Denmark : Nordics info Aarhus University, 2023.
N. Johansson, "Handling hazardous substances in a circular economy,", 2022.
A. Legeby and L. Marcus, "Sverige behöver fler Chinatowns - inte färre," , 2022.
P. Smith et al., "Decarbonizing through nature," Elsevier, 2022.
"Suite em Branco," Lisboa, Portugal : Douda Correria, 2022.
A. Carlsson Kanyama, B. Hedin and C. Katzeff, "Dags för en nationell strategi för växtbaserade mejeriprodukter," , 2021.
F. Hörstedt and G. Finnveden, "The climate framework – a response to the climate crisis from Swedish universities," The European University Association (EUA), 2021.
A. Klüppelberg, "Kirche während des Nationalsozialismus : Das Gemeindeblatt vom 1. Oktober 1933," Stockholm : Deutsche St. Gertruds Gemeinde, 2021.
A. Klüppelberg, "Nucleocrats Don't Sleep," , 2021.
A. H. Persson, M. Karlsson-Tuula and I. Arnesdotter, "Andra chans för krisande företag - en ny lag om företagsrekonstruktion," Stockholm : Dagens juridik- 2021-05-24, 2021.
A. H. Persson et al., "Seriösa kreditgivare kommer att göra vad de kan och de oseriösa slinker igenom," Stockholm : Realtid 2021-05-07, 2021.
S. Evens, A. Klüppelberg and J. Gärdebo, "De serie "Chernobyl" toont grenzen van experten in coronatijden aan," VRT nws, 2020.
Full list in the KTH publications portal
Belongs to: School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Last changed: Apr 08, 2021