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Arc Plan


Presentation of Arc o Plan research group

Arc o Plan is a research group at the School of Architecture, School of Architecture and the Built Environments. The research group's strategy is to accumulate long-term sustainable knowledge about about architecture, physical planning and urban design. The research group consists of senior researchers and Ph D students.

Associate professor Magnus Rönn supervises the work of the research group. The empirical findings that the research group establishes are disseminated by use of theories and methods applicable to the architecture practice. This practical implementation of research based theories and methods serves as a measurement of their usefulness for practitionners in situations of multiple and parallel design scenarios. The research is focused on processes in relation to assessment, decision-making, planning, and the knowledge loop in architectural design projects.

Members of the Arc o Plan research group

Magnus Rönn, architect, associate professor, email

Eva Bergdahl, architect/ Ph D, email

Patrick Bjurström, architect/ Ph D, email,

Christina Bodin Danielsson, architect SAR/MSA, Ph D, email

Maud Hårleman, architect SIR/MSA/ Ph D, email

Ulf Keijer, professor em, email

Jonas E Andersson, architect SAR/MSA, Ph D, email

Ph D candidates

Helene Carlsson, antiquarian built environment/ tech lic student, email

Erland Flygt, architect MSA, Ph D student, email

Stig Gustafsson, engineer, Ph D student, email

Charlotte Svensson, landscape architect MSA, tech lic student, email

Elisabeth Tornberg, landscape architect SAR/ MSA, tech lic student, email

Mats Beckman, architect SAR/MSA, teck lic,

Researrch strategy

The research strategy is implemented through various research and development projects that consist of senior research projects or Ph D student research project. The aim is to establish a sustainable base of knowledge within architecture. This research field is multi disciplinary by nature. A communal objective for the research group is to contribute to the development of knowledge that improve the practice of architecture. The research group develops theories and methods that will guide the architecture practice. This development includes the following themes:

- planning processes within building or physical detail planning
- assessment processes of architectural design and architecture in use
- implementation of experiences and knowledge in design processes.

These themes are explored within a scholarly framework that includes design theory, architecture, physical planning, and urban planning. The research methods reflect both the humanistic and sociological tradition. The research resutl has a broad scientific base in order to promote the work of the research group, and supply relevance for the research undertaken.


Please use the link below to acquire a full list of publications of the research group.


Other items of interest

The rest of the homepage will be translated into English shortly.

Belongs to: School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
Last changed: Apr 04, 2019