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Submitted Papers

Papers for the conference are possible to download in pdf-format on this page.

Only participants registred for the conference will have free access to the files. Please observe that the files are coded. A password is needed to open the downloaded file.

Please contact: Jonas E Andersson, or Magnus Rönn, for passwords

Submitted papers in pdf-formats

Choose the paper which is of interest to your right and download.
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The password is given to you once the registration procedure is complete, i.e. registration form completed, and conference fee paid to the School of Architecture, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

The following titles are submitted, further submission is closed

Andersson, J, 2008: Integrating Ageing in Architecture. Swedish Elder Care as a Topic for an Architecture Competition (eng)
Ferrer, J, 2008: Utzon's Unbuilt Competitions Projects (eng)
Hagelquist, S, 2008: Tävlingsverksamheten som system
– instanser, mekanismer och logik 1925 - 1950 (sv)
Kaipiainen, M, 2008: Images of the Future. (eng)
Katsakou, A, 2008: Collective Housing Competitions in Switzerland (eng)
Kouzelis A; Psilopoulos, I; Psilopoulos, A, 2008: Innovative versus Qualified. (eng)
Kreiner, K, 2008: Architectural Competitions. Empirical Observations and Strategic Implications for Architectural Firms. (eng)
Mihalache, A, 2008: Between Church and State,The Competition for the Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest, 2002 (eng)
Ortega Sanz, Y, 2008: Konkurrencer om Moderne Dansk Bycenter (eng)
Ramberg, K, 2008: Arkitekttävlingar & postindustriell bostadsplanering (sv)
Rönn, M, 2008: Architectural Policies and the Dilemmas of Architectural Competitions (eng).
Sauge, B, 2008: Mellomkrigstidens retorikk, konkurransen omny kontorbygning for Norges Rederforbund. (no)
Schmiedeknecht, T, 2008: Normative and Exceptional Competition Practice in Germany. (eng).
Spreiregen, P, D, 2008: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Design Competition. (eng)
Stang-Våland, M, 2008: End User participation as an Input to Shape the Brief in Architectural Competitions (eng)
Svensson, C, 2008: Speaking of Architecture. A study of the jury’s assessment in the invited competition of an educational centre in Hagfors, Sweden. (eng).
Villanueva, B C; Casas Cobo, F J: 2008: Competitions in/ for a Better World (eng).
Waern, R, 2008: Tävlingen om nytt stadsbibliotek i Stockholm 2007 (sv)
Wezemael, J v, 2008: The Complexity of Competitions (eng)
Zheng, L, 2008: An Overview of Trajectories of Change of Design Competitions Across Europe (eng).
Östman, L, 2008: The Winners Take it All. (sv)

Publication restriction/ important note

Please note, that the submitted papers are regarded as a preliminary draft, first draft. Therefore the papers can not be quoted until the final version is submitted after the conference.