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Project participants

Equal Living Conditions is a transdisciplinary project where academic research and municipal planning practice integrates, supported by cooperation with nonprofit organisations for disability rights who are especially knowledgeable in the questions the project works with.

KTH School of Architecture

KTH School of Architecture does research in urban design and planning that includes development of analytic methods based on digital information including GIS to visualize complex interactions between use, function, activities and urban form. Analyses address for instance urban form in relation to segregation and mapping of living conditions. The project team at KTH consists of Daniel Koch, researcher and Docent in Architecture, Ann Legeby, Professor in Applied Urban Design, and Björn Hellström, Professor in Urban Design.

Uppsala municipality

Uppsala municipality is part in the project through the key persons Örjan Trapp and Lisa Klingwal, amongst several other contributors. The municipality has earlier worked with KTH in research project to develop both analytic methods and planning processes - experience which allows projects to quickly engage with new and innovative approaches, and how and where practice and scientific models and methods can be integrated.

Swedish Disability Rights in the Uppsala Region

The Swedish Disability Rights organisation in the Uppsala Region (Funktionsrätt Uppsala län) is part in the project through the key person Janne Wallgren, chancellor and ombudsman, with experience from cooperation with research projects at for instance the Centre for Healthcare Architecture, Chalmers; experience with contributing to research environments concernting the built environment; and contextualisation into regional challenges.

HSO Uppsala municipality

The Swedish Disability Rights organisation in Uppsala municipality (Funktionsrätt Uppsala kommun) is part in the project through the key person Fredrik Larson, member of the board; contributes with both specific knowledge of the research challenges also with knowledge of the specific conditions of the municipality (both in planning and built environment) that the project will work with - as well as a local contact network.