DYNASTEEL – Dynamic scheduling and transport visibility in steel production
A feasibility study addressing opportunities and challenges as logistic practices shift from a plan-based management to an adaptive management paradigm.
Aim and objective
Applying digital technologies is essential for enhancing operational performance, increasing sustainability, and securing a competitive advantage in the process industry. DYNASTEEL is a feasibility study addressing opportunities and challenges as logistic practices shift from a plan-based management to an adaptive management paradigm. It investigates the use of digital technologies and data analysis for increasing visibility and enabling dynamic scheduling of internal transport in steel mills. This is a step towards the next level of data-driven and dynamic capabilities in steel mills influencing its entire value chain. Accordingly, this project contributes to increasing competitiveness and sustainability of Swedish steel industry and Swedish IndTech.
The objectives of DYNASTEEL include:
Developing a state of the art analysis for understanding information needs, analyzing competitive factors, investigating data availability and data security necessary for dynamic transport scheduling at SSAB Oxelösund factory.
Detailing a concept for dynamic scheduling including understanding existing scheduling processes, identifying sources of disturbances, and investigating IIoT devices and algorithms.
Understanding the opportunities and challenges of dynamic scheduling in relation to dynamic capabilities at still mill, value chain, and IndTech level.
Distributing the results and insight of concept development and detailing next steps for a full-scale RD&I project for the process industry. The study aims to investigate and test concepts for dynamic transport scheduling in steel mills including potential and effects on value chain and IndTech development.