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Astrid-2 was a microsatellite designed and developed by Swedish Space Corporation on behalf of the Swedish National Space Board. It was launched on December 10, 1998, from Plesetsk, Russia, and it provided a large quantity of data during 7 and a half months, after which the contact was lost.

KTH and IRFU Kiruna were in charge of its payload:

  • EMMA (Electrical and Magnetic field Monitoring of the Aurora)
  • LINDA (Langmuir INterferometer and Density experiment for Astrid-2)
  • MEDUSA (Miniaturized Electrostatic DUal-tophat Spherical Analyzer) and PIA (Photometers for Imaging the Aurora)

These instruments were used to measure electric and magnetic fields, electron density and neutral and charged particles in the upper ionosphere.