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Solar Orbiter

Solar Orbiter is European Space Agency mission to investigate how the Sun drives the solar wind and space weather in the solar system.

The Solar Orbiter was launched 6 February 2020 and will be operating at least until 2027. Our special interests are to study the processes on the small scales, such as magnetic holes, whistler waves, reconnection, interplanetary shocks and turbulence. We have participated in building parts of the electronics and testing of the Radio and Plasma Wave instrument (RPW) necessary for measuring electric fields and plasma density fluctuations.



Solar Orbiter  (ESA)
Solar Orbiter Science Operation Center  (SOC)
Radio and Plasma Wave  (RPW) instrument

Instrument papers

Maksimovic, M. et al., The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument , A&A, 2020.
Vaivads, A. et al., Low-frequency electric field and density fluctuation measurements on Solar Orbiter , AdSR, 2007.